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Ohm's pov-

it's an already night Perth almost invited everyone, the boys and girls were at my mansion enjoying the party.

Everyone is enjoying but Me. Why because I'm bothered why that omega is not out of his bedroom since the time he enter in my mansion he hadn't stepped out from his room.

I shook my head I invited prim just to make him piss off I know Nanon likes prim and I wanted to play with him. I still haven't forgotten how he punched me in front of everyone.

I will take my revenge because a alpha shouldn't be insulted in front of everyone. I leaned back on couch the music is loud and my friends are  having drinks and dancing.

My eyes were closed when I felt someone sat on my lap I opened my eyes just to see a girl looking at me with flirt in her eyes. Who are you?
I asked.

Seriously you fucked me for 2 days and don't remember me? She said and I scoffed I don't remember anyone with whom I had one night stand I replied her. But you had two nights with me ohm. She said while touching my chest. I don't care get off from my lap. I said her not really interested in her.

Come on please I need you right now. She said with seductive voice and grinded herself on me making me horny. Fuck get off right now. I said trying to push her but she grabbed my pant bell and looked at Me. Please daddy? She said I need to get rid of her I held her hand and started to drag upstairs I will fuck her till she pass out and regrets.

Nanon's pov-

I took shower and it been already 2 hours I did not left the room I could hear the music but not that loud.

But I'm hungry right now but I don't wanna go outside I would have asked the maid to bring me food but I'm sure she might already left the mansion.

I sighed and fell on bed. I will just take food and come back in room. I said and sat up I took long breath and opened the door slowly hearing the music really loud. Okay I won't talk with anyone. I said and step outside of room. Just to hear really erotic noises I snapped my head towards that direction and saw it's coming from ohm's room.

But the bad thing the door is fucking  open I could clear hear their noise even though I wanted to pass by the room ignoring them but I saw how ohm is thrusting inside that girl. I feel like puking I covered my mouth when suddenly someone pulled me away from there.

My eye gets wide I slowly look up at the person and it's p'dew p-p'dew, I called his name when he smiled at me its bad thing to-

I know p'dew I didn't mean to look there I'm sorry. I cut off p'dew he shook his head and pat my head which makes me feel something inside my stomach. Okay, I thought you won't step out from room. P-dew asked and I made pout I was hungry Thought  to get food and go back. I replied when p-dew nodded his head.

You stay here I will bring you food okay? He said and I nodded till cover your ears. He said and placed my own hands on my ears.

Because the scream and moans could be heard. I shook my head and close my eyes.

After few minutes I felt tap on my shoulder I thought it's p'dew so I immediately open my eyes just to see a half naked ohm looking at Me with a blank face I immediately turn around facing my back to him.

I felt flustered seeing him like that. What the hell you're doing here? He asked and I shook my head nothing I'm just waiting for p'dew. I said when he scoffed but then p'dew showed up I ran towards him standing beside p'dew. Why did you bring food here? Ohm asked looking at p'dew.

I brought food for Nanon p'dew said and handed me the food tray. And please lock the door before fucking anyone alpha ohm p'dew said and  I looked away.

Why did anyone saw me doing that? Ohm said and looked at Me I blinked my eyes and hide behind p'dew like I have did any crime.

Why the fuck you hide behind p'dew. Ohm said and about to walk towards us when p'dew showed his palm to ohm it's OK ohm you should go. P'dew said I felt such a strong stare at me I knew who it is.

Later I heard the footsteps voice going away I look up just to see ohm walking away from there. I sighed in relief when p'dew faced me. Thank you so much p'dew.

I said. Should we go on rooftop it's loud here right? P'dew said and I immediately nodded. P'dew smiled and we 2 wents on rooftop just to see how luxury its looks from here and the night views is just amazing.

My eyes sparkled when p'dew spoke. It's really quite here? P'dew said and I nodded its really so beautiful I never imagined this view. I said and looked around well you sit here and have food. P'dew said and I sat down on the black couch which was settled in center later p'dew also sat beside me.

P'dew don't you hate me because I punched you're younger brother? I asked when p'dew shook his head then looked at me I honestly don't have any problems because myself know how ohm behave with everyone. He said and I nodded stuffing the food inside my mouth.

Ohm bully you right? He asked and I slowly nodded my head. And in anger you punched him that day p'dew asked and I nodded I think that was a biggest mistake you did Nanon because ohm is so hot tempered person p'dew said and I stopped eating you're scaring me p'dew. I said when he laughs.

Just try to avoid him as much as you can do he said and I already felt that bad feeling growing more inside my chest. I won't face him till this month. I said and p'dew nodded his head.

Well tomorrow also we are having parties p'dew said why tomorrow? I asked I don't know ohm might want to annoy you. He said and I chuckled. I will be staying at my friends house then. I replied and placed Down the tray on table.

If you want to you should. He said and I nodded my head.


Ohm's pov-

I woke up having a bad headache in my head i sat up just to realize I was sleeping in living room for whole night. I groaned when I felt my body paining little bit.

But I smell something really good I stood up and went in kitchen and saw Nanon cooking I went near him that's smell so good. I said when he flinched and stumbled back touching his shoulder to my chest I looked down at him when he immediately pulled away himself from me.

Cook for Me too. I said to him. I have to go college. He said and about to leave but I held his hand I said cook something for me since you're my maids son it's your responsibility to take care of my meals. I said and he sighed he gave me the plate and left from kitchen.

I didn't bother and started to have the yummy pancakes. You cook good as you should. I replied when I saw him leaving from main door.

I still haven't take my revenge but I swear to God I will make you regret that why you punched me that day. I said and smirked when my phone rang I went in living room and searched for my phone I finally found it and answer the call yes? I asked.

Sir the CCTV cameras are fixed in your room. The person said I smirked to myself good job. I said and cut the call. I'm sorry Nanon but you made me to do this I'm not dirty alpha. I said and a evil smile appears on my face.


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