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Author's pov-

All the students were in bus, all of them was so excited for the campus. Nanon sat with phuwin and ohm sat with pond besides Nanon's seat. And in front of Nanon's seat there is Perth and chimon sat together.

Dew sat alone with driver's next seat. As he is elder than all of the students dew had to take care of them all and the responsibility was on dew.

I think it's gonna be great journey. Phuwin said and Nanon nodded with a smile, Perth and chimon couldn't stop flirting with each others. But Nanon just let them be their self.

Nanon was looking out from the window thinking about the new feelings he got for ohm. Nanon glanced at ohm and saw him talking with pond. But they both made eye contact ohm raised his eyebrows when he saw Nanon.

Nanon just look away when the bus stopped. As dew stood up with his calm smile. Guys we are here let's go. Dew said and everyone get off from the bus.

So everyone from here we need to walk inside the forest. Be careful with walking okay? Dew said and everyone said yes.

As everyone started to walk inside the woods. Nanon while holding on his bag walking with phuwin. When dew joined him. P'dew I'm glad you joined us this time, Nanon said gaining dew's attention as well ohm's who is behind them Walking with pond, Perth and chimon.

Well the principal asked me so I could not say no. Dew said and Nanon nodded but suddenly ohm went between them both because dew and Nanon was walking closer.

What is this ohm? Dew asked and ohm just bitterly smiled. Wanted to walk before you guys. Ohm said then glanced at Nanon who just blankly looking at him.

Whatever! Dew said as they reached in the middle of forest. So everyone we need to tent here let's start before it's gate dark. Dew said to everyone.

Nanon let's share the tent? Phuwin asked Nanon and he nodded. Sure let's prepare our tent. Nanon said and they both gets busy with their work.

Bro so are you gonna share with me? Pond asked ohm and ohm just nodded. Well I don't have any choice. Prepare our tent. Ohm said to pond what do you mean by prepare our tent you need to help me! Pond said but ohm looked at him with boring expressions. I don't know how to so you need to do alone I will roam around till byee. Ohm said and walked away.

Shiya ohm pawat. Pond yelled but ohm still ignored. Pond left no choice but to do it alone.


Nanon's pov-

It was already dark all students gathering around the firebomb.
P'dew was checking if everyone is here. Where is ohm?! P'dew asked while looking around. I also immediately look around because myself also did not saw him.

P'dew he walked away when I asked him to prepare the tent. Pond said and I gets worried for ohm even though I should not.

And I already said I don't know how to, ohm said while walking towards p'dew I gets relief seeing him here. Because the forest is so deep and dark right now I'm scared little bit too.

Where you was? P'dew asked and ohm just shook his head nowhere just roaming around. Ohm said and joined with pond sitting down beside him.

Whatever. As everyone had food except ohm! So ohm because you wasn't around here I not going to give you food. P'dew said to ohm who just rolled his eyes.

Okay! I'm giving you all a chance to sing so who thinks that they are good singer you can sing here. P'dew announced and everyone clapped their hands.

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