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Ohm's pov-

I thought I would Handel nanon very well but.... this omega is really something else. the way nanon behaving nowadays I'm feeling like I'm taking care of a 5 Years old child. because of pregnancy nanon having mood swings which is really headache for me. I sometimes lose my mind but I would leave the house so I won't say something mean to nanon. I'm doing my best to control on my short temper problem.

we have 3 maids at our mansion and two nurse to take care of nanon. they just come here 3 day's before as dad who sent them. but more like the maids it's my duty to feed nanon ask him everytime if he wants something and that omega always ask something to eat I know he is trying to make me angry. but I Handel it now.

mom calls me twice a day to ask about nanon and mrs kirdpan also talks with me on call and ask about nanon's health. before nanon looked pale and weak but now he looks really healthy. and I can't wait to see a chubby nanon who is carry his Belly. I honestly always find myself smiling whenever nanon does something stupidity. like if I ignore him he would keep talking to himself. he would make a pout just to make me agree with him.

I never thought nanon can be this cute and I always melts for him. I was so stupid who makes my own omega suffer. but I swear to God I can die for him now. I'm having a desires to have a familiar with nanon which is gonna be true.
but I only wish that nanon also accept me and be with me.

today I'm having little work because dad asked me to check the project file on laptop. it's not my first time that dad asked me to do this but whenever dad is busy he would ask for my help. my eyes were focused on laptop when I heard the footsteps. ohmm! and there I heard the whin of my omega. I still didn't lift up my eyes and hummed. ohmmmmmmmm! nanon again called and I can't help and glanced at him. he is having his pout means there gonna be demand from him.

what happened? I asked as he walked towards the glass wall and pointed towards the River. you never take me there he said still having his pout I chuckled at his cuteness overload. do you want to go there? I asked taking aside my laptop and nanon immediately nodded. but it's really cold outside you might catch cold I can't take risk. I said as he walked towards ME thumping his foots on floor. he is litterlay acting like a child.

I'm feeling like a prison in this mansion take ME out pawat! he said and I shook my head as I stood up walking towards him. fine I'm taking you there but before that... come with me I said and dragged him in bedroom.



Ohm! I'm feeling stuck, I complained, ohm made ME wear a thick hoodie then top of it he made me wear a jacket too. my hands are in hands gloves, and then again ohm wraps the scarfs around my neck. later he grabbed the beanie covering my ears and placed on my head. are you done pawat? I asked as he nodded. and wore his jacket too.

let's go now you won't catch cold he said and grab my hand dragging me out. as we step out I felt the cold air hit on my face. and I said thanks to ohm in my mind because it's really cold here. as ohm keep walking while holding on my hand. meanwhile I look around there are mountains and everywhere is forest. I don't understand why ohm have mansion at such a place but honestly it's really beautiful though. it's really silent and peaceful.

here we go ohm said and I look ahead I saw a river my eyes sparkled as I watched the River, the sound of water hitting thier Shore. as I walked near the river. waaaa..... I whispered because I really loved the view. ohm look at the water it's so clean I said to him and he nodded while walking towards me. as I saw a fish too...ohmmm there is fish see I said like a excited child.

you looks so excited ohm said and my eyes look at him with a bright smile

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you looks so excited ohm said and my eyes look at him with a bright smile. because I'm excited I said and again faced the river. there is beautiful mountains behind the river. you must have visited this place before right? I asked ohm. yeah I did but only one time this is my second time with you. he said and I knee down near the Water. I removed my One hand gloves and touched the cold water.

nanon wear it back the water is Cold ohm said but I ignored him. but later I heard nothing from him, so I look behind and saw him already looking at me with a smile.
I look straight and smiles to myself too this ohm is making me fall again for him. the way he is taking care of me seems like he is serous about me and the Baby. ohm always feeds ME whenever I deny to eat anything he would beg but still feed me. I know because of my mood swings I always piss him off but thankfully ohm haven't hurts me. nor yelled for my behavior.

I wish god keep him like this forever. even though I'm having the idea of not accept him I still want to be with ohm and raise this child with him. this child is my hope of my relationship with ohm. since the day ohm got to know about my pregnancy he have changed so much. he is behaving like a responsible husband. he cares so much about me and sometimes I feel like to hug him and snuggles my face in his chest and stay like that forever.

I'm still not sure about ohm's feelings but I want him to confess his feelings to me, I want to hear those magical words from his mouth and God know when that day is gonna come. but I'm having a hope that everything gonna be alright between Me and ohm but if again my hope gets crushed I will die then I won't have any desire to live........

to be continued....

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