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Nanon's pov-

ohm got hospitalized he have deep bruises and scars on his face and chest or you can say almost on his body same goes to p'dew he also have a really bad wounds all over his arm and chest. both beaten up each other really badly that I'm feeling little it's my fault even though I don't wanted this to happen. at least I wasn't expecting this from p'dew I never thought p'dew will also Liston ohm and fight with him.

but I'm not in peace since ohm is inside the emergency room. I know I'm upset with him but after all I love that man no matter what and now I'm pregnant by him. I was scared of this and knew it if I get pregnant I will have to suffer but I never imagined p'dew will be part of this. I sigh and sat down on the chair as my knee's are feeling weak.

I saw how ohm's parents are worried. I thought they will scold me or behave rude with me after knowing that I slept with their son. but both of them is comforting me they even said everything will be fine but I knew whatever me and ohm did was totally wrong. because we are not mates and the worry thing I'm carrying my un mates child of course I will have hard time while carrying this baby inside me.

mom! I called my mom who is beside me holding on my hand she glanced at me and nodded. ain't your mad at me? I asked as she left a heavy breaths even  if i will be mad at you i don't think anything can be changed and you're carrying a baby I'm sure you're already weak because the baby you're carrying it's not your mates baby and i don't want you to suffer more. she said don't you want to know what happened between me and ohm? I asked again

I'm sure your panicked right now so tell me when you're ready but know it you will have to explain everything to me later mom said and I nodded just then the Dr come out from p'dew's patient room. how is dew? ohm's dad asked the dr. don't worry he will be OK Just a major injuries dr said and walked away. I hope ohm will be fine too ohm's mom said aunty I'm really very sorry it's my fault I saw but she shook her head. nanon dont take the blame on you I still need to listen ohm first she said yes your aunty is right don't be panic because it's not good for your health ohm's dad said and I sigh.

after 1 hour

ohm's pov-

I already woke up and my body is in pain I have been looking at the omega who is not talk with me but feeding me the soup. I tried to talk but nanon wasn't even saying anything he is avoiding looking at me but I can clearly see he is worried for me but don't want to show it. my parents meet me and talked they didn't scold me because of my situation that's good because I dunno what i would have said if they asked about me and nanon's relationship.

nanon's mom and mine mom is not here and I dunno were they went but dad said that p'dew is also admitted in same hospital so maybe they are with him but I'm fine that nanon is here with me. dad is outside must be talking with dr.

I fed up and held on nanon's hand by which he was  feeding me. are you mad at me because I fought with p'dew? I asked but he pulled back his hand nanon talk to me! I again said but he stood up placing the bowel on table I only looked at him as he walked towards the door. nanon! no matter what I Will never gonna let you be with someone else I said with my deep voice nanon stopped there for a minute but he still open the door and left.

I felt frustrated by his behavior I clench my fists and left breathe's. let me get recovered I Will take you away from here I said and leans on the pillow which is behind me.


mrs kirdpan's pov-

non have dinner! I called my son as I placed The food on dinning table. after few minutes there my pale son come out and sat down on chair. nanon told me that he and ohm dated for few Week's and they even slept with each others expect the sleeping thing I felt like nanon was hiding something for me but I didn't ask more because he looked tensed. it's been 1 week nanon will go to college and then come back home.

mr chittsawangdee told me to take care of nanon and I haven't visited their mansion as I'm more worried for nanon. he looks lost he spends his most of time in his bedroom alone I sometimes heard him crying. I asked nanon to talk with ohm but he refused. dew would call Me and ask about nanon's condition meanwhile ohm would visit our house He would talk with non but nanon don't even glace at him.

I asked nanon whats the problems that he is so mad at ohm. and he replied that ohm doesn't love him anymore. I wanted to talk with ohm too but whenever he leaves nanon's room he looked really scary and frustrated that I can't able to talk with him. but I must say that whenever ohm visit our house he brings lots of healthy food and fruits which is good for pregnant Omega's.

ohm even makes sure that the dr will visit nanon and check up on him. almost ohm doing a job that a Husband should be doing. it's feels like they are divorced couple's but still care for each others.

but I'm so upset with their current situation. if they want each others then whats bothering them.

ohm said tomorrow you have appointment with dr I said taking my seat beside nanon. the dr said he won't be visiting our house anymore because he have tons of works so you will have to go hospital I replay and he sighed placing down his spoon. mom the dr who check me he is so expensive one can't i go and see another dr? nanon asked.

non the dr is hired by ohm and he is the one who said that he will take care of everything he didn't let me do anything except cooking food for you and for god sake please have those healthy food which ohm bought for you. I said because Nanon is not touching the stuff which ohm bought for him.

mom I don't want anything from him didn't i said to return them back to him nanon replied being gloomy. ohhh like he listens me! I said and he looks away.

whatever I'm not gonna see that dr tomorrow I rather stay in my bedroom. non said and left the dinning table. non at least have the food I said and he shoved the x sign by his arm and walked away.

ohm said he will be here to pick up!! I said but he shut the door. damn my son already having mood swings I said and shook my head.

to be continued....

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