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I think bringing that topic was my mistakes, at least nanon used to talk and smile at me but now he completely went silent. he don't even look at me nor he is talking with any maids or the nurses. I'm scared he might went sick because in pregnancy omega shouldn't be sad because that will effect on their womb. the nurse said nanon doesn't say anything just let her cheek and whenever she askes him if he feels any uncomfortable he would only say yes or no, and that's making me frustrated.

I was in living room and it's an midnight every one must be sleeping right now except me. I used to sleep in nanon's room and he knows too that I always sleep beside him. but now he is not talking I felt like I should stay away from him for few days so he can calm down and I will explain everything to him. only I know how suffering I'm feeling because nanon ain't talking with me.

I'm little drunk don't worry I'm not that much drunk I'm still in my senses. I put down the glass and stood up with lazy walk and walked upstairs.


I haven't slept yet because ohm would always come and sleep beside me. it's been two days he is sleeping in living room I know I have went all mute towards everyone but I really didn't felt like to talk with anyone. I know I overrated that night with him but I was really scared that he might want to choose that girl over me.

but I'm ready to listen him I should listen what he wants to say and if something that will break my heart I will leave him forever. I sighed and Close my eyes just then I heard footsteps and I smelled ohm's scent. I decided to keep pretending to sleep. he got closer and I felt moment on bed just then my T-shirt was getting flipped up. but I stayed calm.

he touched my belly and caressed it gently and I was getting goosebumps. hey baby! it's your dad ohm said in his husky voice. dad is feeling lonely because your papa is not talking with me.... he said and hugged me placing his face on my Belly dad wanted to talk with someone then I know my baby will listen me and won't even tell anyone right? he said like a baby. why he is talking like this is he drunk?

please tell your papa to not ignore me it's hurts more than anything he said making me feel something inside my chest. dad loves papa so much but he is not letting me explain that I didn't made any omega pregnant expect your papa he said and I was confused and shocked too. t-that girl wasn't pregnant by me she was playing with me and I have the reports to show your papa but but he don't even look at me and i feel like to cry he said and I already felt something drop on my Belly. he is crying?

but then I felt hot breath on my face and my cheeks were cupped I love you non please forgive me I will die for you he said and then he kissed my forehead I held my tears to not let them fall down but then I didn't hear anything I felt him getting aside. I slowly open my eyes and saw him pass out. as the tears left from my eyes corner I sat up and wiped my tears and make him lay properly placing his head on pillow and ruffles his hair.

his tears were leaving from eyes corner and I wiped them. if you loves me why don't you confess I said to his sleeping face. I pecked his forehead too and laid beside him. now I know he loves me and I was so stupid that I didn't let him talk to me that day. I love you too ohm I whispered and laid beside him and hugged him. I will let you explain in morning I said closing my eyes.

this feeling is best in this world I'm hugging the man who finally loves me now. I wish he confess his feelings to me and I can tell him that how much I love him.



with a great headache I woke up. my mind were numb and I could feel something snuggle to me. and my nose smelled my omegas scent and I opened my eyes looking beside and him hugging my waist while sleeping. then I remember last night I was drunk I might end up here but to my shock nanon never used to sleep while hugging me so I'm little confused, but I take it aside and smiled looking at nanon who looks like a adorable baby that I would like to squeeze his cheeks.

I saw nanon about to change his sleeping position but I held him and he stayed like that but snuggled more to me. I'm feeling overwhelmed just by this side. I kissed his head and pulled him more closer to me. I wish this time stop right here and I can hold on nanon forever like this.

but then I felt nanon's movement means he is getting up. he blinked his eyes and finally open facing me I thought he will panic but he smiled at me. good morning ohm nanon said in his low tone while rubbing his eyes. morning I whispered still looking at him as nanon sat up and looked at me um.... are you OK? he asked suddenly and I just nodded. he also nodded and stood up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom before he enter in he stopped and faced me.

I'm ready to listen you he said and went inside the bathroom and shut the door. I smiled brightly and sat up this is a dream or what? I asked myself and ruffles my hair. well I'm not leaving this chance and I will explain him everything. I said and stood up decided to do my morning routine.

to be continued.......

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