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dew's pov-

I'm in hospital because I'm feeling weak nowadays, it's my mom who forces me to go dr and check up even though she is living in usa she still take care of me.....

since the day ohm took nanon with him I have been blamed myself. because of me nanon was forced again. and it's not like I hate ohm for nanon.... but I really wanted to be with nanon, but my luck is bad about everything. I have tried to call ohm but he never answered my calls. I just hope nanon is fine and getting care towards him.

I sighed as dr injected Will be fine dr said and I nodded with a smile. I will give you few medicine take them in morning before having breakfast dr said and I nodded okay Dr I will see you later I said and left from the cabin. I rubbed my arm where I was injected. as I was walking I saw a little girl crying on hospital chair I saw her all alone I look around but nobody was here with her.

I walked towards her and bend down facing the little girl. what happened? I asked as the girl removes her hands from her eyes and look at me as she made the cry pout. hey hey don't cry tell me what happened and why are you alone here? I asked as she sobbed m-my mom is hurt she said getting teary eyed. oh you're mom is getting treated inside? I asked as she nodded.

nobody comes here with you? I asked and she shook her head. I sighed and sat beside her. where is your dad? didn't he know your mom is hurt? I asked and she faced me my real dad is died but mummy re-marries with another man and t-this dad is so bad h-he beats my mum, he even yell at me he is not good dad she said and I felt really bad after knowing this.

I placed her on my lap and wipes her tears away, I feel sad about that but why don't you tell your mom to leave that man? I asked her. she thinks I need a love of dad but in reality only my biological dad can makes me happy and I only need my own dad's love not another man's love and care. no child wants their mom with someone else except their dad b-but mom don't understand she bear with that drunk man she said with her little mouth and this Girl speaks like she have been holding this.

Gracy let's go inside a nurse comes and spoke the Girl named Gracy on my lap. she look at me and smiled I hope to see you again phi she said and I smiled I placed her down she waved and left with the nurse. but whatever she said earlier her words showes pain that she needs only her dad's love not another man's love and care....and I realized that I wanted to help nanon to raise the child.

but I never thought if that baby get to know that I'm not his dad he would have been sad about it and I think Nanon's child will needs his own father and thankfully I understand it I should stop hoping that I can ever get nanon by my side. I left the breath and stood up and left from there.

ohm's pov-

after the meeting I left the office and get in my car, and perth texts me to meet him, before I leave the city. as I reached at Perth's house and went inside. I saw him making out with his boyfriend is this why you texted me and called me here to see this I said as both snapped their heads towards me chimon immediately get up from Perth and sat on another couch.

damn bro your timing was wrong perth said wait where is nanon? aunty told me he is with you chimon asked getting up and walked towards me you baster how dare you to take nanon with you while he is pregnant chimon said while gritting his teeth calm down I didn't hurt him he is just living with me I said as perth pulled back chimon behind him. leave it bro, chimon was so worried for his friend and he was keep asking about nanon that's why to distract him I was making out with him. perth said but received a punch on his arm by his boyfriend.

this is not important to tell him perth he said and perth laughed nervously. okay okay have seat bro it's been long time we meet perth said but I can feel chimon glaring at me, I ignore him and take a seat on couch. how is life going with your omega? perth asked good how about you? I asked eyeing chimon. its good bro perth said wrapping his arms around chimon. whatever you know exams are near so you have to bring nanon here chimon said and I nodded.

I will bring him I replied but then we heard phone ringtone chimon took out his mobile and glanced at perth. it's dad I gotta go perth I will see u later chimon said and stood up and you pointing at me when you go back call me because I want to talk with non,i have been Calling him but he is not answering maybe because of you he said and I nodded trying my best to not get angry at him sure you may leave before I lose my mind I said and Perth immediately spoke baby you should go your dad must be waiting for you chimon nodded and left from there.

your omega is really something I said and perth laughed well I must agree perth said and I shook my head. well nanon is still ignoring you? perth asked since he knew that nanon is ignoring me and I have shared everything with him on call. nope he don't ignore now but he is just so stubborn and sometimes doesn't listen me I said and perth smiled well he is pregnant so you have to bear it perth said and I nodded. but I sighed remembering that nanon sometimes doesn't talk to me.

but..... sometimes he doesn't talk to me like he remembers something that hurt's him. I said and Perth sat properly maybe he is upset to remember about his past with you perth said and I nodded thinking that might be reason. well the day you dragged the girl out from strip club nanon looked so upset and hurt, now I understand why he was acting like that perth said and I was dumbfounded.

what? nanon was there? I asked and Perth nodded yeah he was there with my omega and when I was explaining chimon that I was there to help you that time you Was coming out holding a girl with you and nanon saw it too he even knows that you made that girl pregnant perth said and I understand that why nanon was so mad at me god damn perth she wasn't pregnant by me didn't I told you? I said getting up. no ohm! you didn't told me and all this time I thought you made two omegas pregnant perth said and I massaged my temple.

god... maybe I forget to tell you but I confirm it that she wasn't pregnant by me I said and I wanted to see nanon right now I'm sure he had miss understood fuck it I'm going back to nanon I said and already started to walk ohm! explain him everything and for god sake accept your feelings for him perth yelled and I stopped at my track when its about accepting my feelings why I'm always so scared. I gulped down and get inside my car and drove off.



I was reading my book in living room. after I slept in noon I again decided to read this novel this one is so good that I can't get bored of reading. tu always check Up on me same goes to April.....and the nurse yeah her name is namatan she must be in her bedroom.

meanwhile im on living room's couch. just then I heard the car horn and I already guessed its ohm. just then I heard the footsteps and here ohm is coming inside but with a different face. his eyes searched then landed on me as he walked towards me. nanon he said and sat beside me. what happened? I asked as he keep looking at me. he looked so tense.

I want to talk with you he said in low tone before gulping down I only nodded my head as he sighed and spoke the day you saw me dragging that girl out from strip club she was- before he could say anything I stood up with a upset face. does he wants to leave me for that girl? what he wants to say now? he wants to bring that girl here because she is pregnant by him? what if he choose that girl over me? thinking this all thing my eyes tear up and I don't wanted to hear ohm anymore I'm so fucking scared to face those things.

shut up ohm! I don't want to hear you right now I said while holding on my tears as I turn to leave. nanon I know I hurt you but please listen me once this is important he said but I close my eyes wanting to ignore it I walked upstairs without saying anything. nanon...... ohm called me in low tone but I kept walking as I enter in my room I shut the door letting the tears fell down. I wish you could stop hurting me ohm I whisper and slid down while sobbing.....

to be continued.....

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