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Nanon's pov-

I was packing my bag we have to go campus tomorrow. But I saw my skin care and perfume is almost done. Also I don't have good clothes to wear for campus I'm thinking to buy new one. As I went towards dressing table to grab my wallet but heard knock on my door.

As I turn around and saw ohm standing. What happened? I asked as I take out my wallet and walked towards him. For tomorrow I need to buy new stuff. And also you said you need to buy new kitchen stuff? I talked with dad and he said we should do shopping. Ohm said and I nodded.

I was also thinking to buy new clothes so let's go together? I asked and ohm nodded. Okay let's go then. Ohm said and we both left from the mansion.


We reached at Mall and here me and ohm buying new kitchen stuff.
I mean ohm only looking around and his arms are crossed he is letting me buy whatever I want. But I'm only getting the house stuff that we need.

Ohm should we get this cups? I asked and he just nodded. Why you're just looking come join me na I said but he shook his head. I don't know anything you just buy whatever you want. He said and I sigh. Okay! We are done with house stuff let's buy clothes now. I said and he again just nodded. Excuse me please pack them for us. Ohm said and the lady nodded.

We walked towards the counter and ohm payed the bill. We walked out from the store and went towards the clothes shops.

Ohm what you're gonna get? I asked and he just looked confused. I don't know I will find something good looking. He said and walked inside the store.

I also started to search for the T-shirt. But someone pulled my hem of shirt I look down and saw a cute boy he showed his smile and waved at me I chuckled at him but he ran away when someone calls his name.

Baekhyun! The woman walked towards me with a little baby in her arm she looked worried. Is that your son Mam? I asked and she nodded. He's so naughty, I'm trying to buy clothes for him but he is keep running here and there. She said with little frustrating I laugh and she looks at Me. Can you please hold my daughter for a minute till I get my son clothes please do this favor to me? Please! She said and I immediately nodded.

Because the baby I'm seeing she is so cute. Thank you so much young man I'm sure you will Handel my daughter. The woman said and walked behind her son.

As I looked at the baby and smiles. Hey baby I'm Nanon. I said to the baby she giggled and tried to say something. Ma-ma she said and I loved her already.

Who's baby is that Nanon? Ohm said while walking towards me. But as he gets closer the baby started to cry. Ohm stopped right there and I can see he was irritated. It's that woman's baby. I said and pat the baby trying to stop her crying. Why you're Carrying her? Ohm asked again.

Leave it I will tell you later now help me to stop her crying. I said and ohm just looked at me. H-how supposed I do I don't know. Ohm said almost gulped down. Come on just clap in front of her or make funny faces. I said and ohm went little closer to the baby and clapped his hands. He even trying to make funny faces.

And to my shock the baby is giggles softly at ohm. Ohm smiled brightly and clapped his hands again. I looked at his face and he looks happy the joy I can see on his face.

Oh my God you guys are so cute couples is that baby is yours? The lady who dressed in tight dress asked while looking at me and ohm. I shook my head and about to speak but she immediately spoke. Actually we are having who is cutest family Contest I would like to click your picture with this baby I'm sure you guys will win 1st price. She said ohm also tried to speak but she wasn't ready to listen.

She already took out her camera and telling us how to pose. Excuse me miss we-

Come on sir it's just about a picture why you're denying? She asked and I sigh. Okay you man while pointing towards ohm, kiss your omegas forehead and I will click the picture let's do fast. She said and I immediately shook my head.

I faced ohm and he sighed. She is not ready to listen let's just do it. Ohm said and walked towards me pulling me by my waist and another hand went to back of my head. I just stared at him while my heart beats gets fast. And I can't even hear the baby is giggling so much.

As he leaned and kissed my forehead and my eyes closed. I felt his warm lips on my forehead. It's not even mine and ohm's child. but it's feels like I'm having family with him. And unknowingly my eyes moistened. When ohm removed his hand from my waist I opened my eyes. He just smiled and pat the baby's head.

He walked towards the lady to see the pictures but my heart is beating fast I can't take off my eyes from ohm. But now all I know "I'm in love with him" I realized as my eyes getting more teary. I faced another direction. As the woman also come back she took her daughter and smiled at me. Thank you so much young boy we gotta go now bye! She said and I smiled back the small boy waved at me and i waved back at him as they left from there.

I immediately wiped the tears which fall down. Nanon did you buy clothes for you? Ohm asked me while taking out his hand from the pocked. N-no I will just do that please wait. I said and walked away.

Now I don't know what will happen. Because I finally realized I'm in love with ohm. And I don't know what's the future gonna bring for us.

To be continued

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