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Nanon's pov-

After having rough sex I returned to my room my legs was numb I wasn't able to even walk but if I stayed near that baster I might again end up having sex with him.

I sat down in bathtub and takes my knees close to my chest and I cried. I cried so hard till I felt relax. I don't care if ohm listen me but I really didn't wanted to accept the sex thing with ohm but I was really fool last night because I saw prim kissing someone my heart hurts so badly I just wanted to avoide that. I got drunk and my mind was just getting messed up.

But I regret everything I shouldn't have let him touch me. I never thought ohm can go such far just to make me pay back for a one punch.
I know shouldn't have accept his deal but I left no choice if I wouldn't have accept that ohm would have already post the video on social media.

And if mom see that video I'm sure she rather die than scolding me. And I don't wanna hurt mom more because she is already hurt by dad.
I'm helpless now but I need to live i
No matter what.

After the shower I wore comfortable clothes and take painkillers. I grabbed my bag and left from room. When I saw ohm leaving I stopped right there and let him go first he did not notice me and went out I heard the car noise. I breath in relief when the car drove off.

I walked out of the mansion and started to walk to my college way.

After 20 minutes I reached at my college. I was really exhausted today of course the energy was gone in morning. I enter in hallway walking with slow steps. As I enter in classroom and went towards my seat later phuwin and chimon Also showed up.

They both sat beside me. Guys guess what? Chimon said and I looked at him with confuse. What? Me and phuwin asked at same time. Perth asked me to hangout with him! Chimon said and we can see how his face looked flustered. But don't you think his friends will also join with you? Phuwin asked and I nodded too. Well he said only WITH HIM so I don't think his friends will also join chimon said rubbing his nose tip.

Let's see BTW where you was Nanon we searched for you last night but couldn't found you, phuwin asked and everything flashbacks I remembered about last night I gulped down and shook my head. My head was aching so I went to sleep. I replied him and phuwin nodded. But you know what? Prim and mark is dating each other chimon said looking at me.

That' thing still hurts I sighed and nodded my head I know about that. I said and chimon held my hand bro you need to move on I swear to God I will find you a really good girl, chimon said and I chuckled. Shut up let's not focus on this our exams notice will be announced anytime we should think about studying now. I replied and phuwin pat my back and nodded his head.

Nanon is right we should worry about study. Phuwin said and chimon Already made not so interesting face. Whatever this exam always come chimon said and sat straight. Anyways our class gonna start in 10 minutes chimon again spoke and phuwin sat properly.

I looked in my book but my nostrils hit a spicy wood smell and I knew who is him I felt my heart beats fasten I slowly look up and saw the baster ohm alpha walking inside like a king with his friends behind him.

He turn to my direction and I immediately look down at my book I took long breath to calm down myself. Later the female professor enter in classroom.

Attention class I have two notice. So basically your last semester exam gonna start in two month. And second we are having campus in next week for two days all the students have to join that's it. She said and the students immediately started to chit chat.

Silent guys you can talk later let's continue with teaching. She said and continue to teaching.

Ohm's pov-

When I enter in classroom my nose was filled with vanilla scent and I was already familiar with the smell it's that omega Nanon smells like that. To see him I looked at his direction but he was busy with reading.

I know I'm the worst baster but I don't really care about it. I wanna use that omega for myself God knows why I asked him to let me have him everyday. But long time I had good fuck with someone I usually only fuck female omegas but I never thought that male omega can be such a good pleasurable.

In morning I had rough sex with him I was expecting him to not show up in college but he did I guess that wasn't enough for him.

P'dew were texting me and asking where I was last night I told him I was having night stand again so he did not asked many questions.

Perth is not like before I mean that boy drooling over chimon he said he likes chimon now. I feel like my friend is getting stupid day by day he behaves crazy whenever chimon is around.

As the bell rang and the teacher left every students get up and started to leave. I also get up and left from classroom without looking at the omega.

Nanon's pov-

I packed my bag to leave the classroom as chimon was standing in front of me and whining because I was slowly picking up my books. Let's go na non chimon said and I nodded I pull up the bag on my shoulder and walked towards the exit just to see ohm walking away like he didn't do anything with me last night.

I rolled my eyes and walked in another direction.

To be continued.....

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