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Next morning

Author's pov-

All the students were outside the tent and having their breakfast.

Nanon also ate his food box and went towards the table to get his water bottle. As he grabs the bottol and about to leave but before he walk away he heard the voice. He glanced at that direction and saw mark and prim arguing with each others.

But then mark left and prim was crying. Nanon felt like to go there and he stands there till phuwin call his name. He walked away from there and stand beside phuwin then p'dew showed up.

Students today we are going on the hill area but the place there is little sticky like the soil is wet and you guys might slip from them while walking so I'm already warninging be careful while walking from there got it? Dew asked and everyone said yes!

As everyone walking while clicking pictures and talking about random stuff Nanon were again with phuwin, ohm and pond behind them Perth and chimon were walking the couples are enjoying their new journey with each others.

As Nanon were busy talking with phuwin chimon was clicking pictures of Perth as he walked before Perth and clicked his picture while walking back. But chimon did not notice behind him is nanon. As chimon's feet got on a stone and his balance got backwards by mistake he pushed Nanon and Nanon fell down on his face.

Nanon yelp when his ankle got twisted everyone gasped and went towards Nanon gathering around him. Oh my God Nanon! Chimon said and immediately went towards Nanon. But before chimon touch him ohm was already next to him helping Nanon to sat up. Dew also went near Nanon and check on him. Nanon are you OK? Dew asked and Nanon just held his leg.

Are you hurt here? Ohm asked and touched Nanon's legs everyone was shocked seeing ohm worried for Nanon but they did not make it big deal.

Non I'm so sorry chimon said getting close to Nanon but he saw ohm glared at him chimon stopped there and didn't went near Nanon.

I-its okay mon Nanon said as dew bend down in front of Nanon. Are you sure you can walk? Dew asked and Nanon with hesitation nodded his head. Okay hold on my hand and try to walk Nanon nodded ohm felt odd but he didn't said anything. Nanon held onto dew's hand as Nanon stood up balancing himself.

As Nanon and dew started to walk. But Nanon hissed in pain when his ankle again got twisted. Ohm sigh and went towards Nanon picking him up in bridal style. Nanon gasped and same goes to everyone around them. What! He is not able to walk I'm just gonna help him ohm said ignoring everyone who is looking at him and Nanon.

Dew were speechless too because in his entire life he saw ohm always cursing at Nanon and bullying him it's kinda new for everyone to see ohm helping Nanon.

Put me down ohm I can walk Nanon whispered. ohm look down at Nanon with his blank expression and spoke don't lie I can see you can't walk ohm said still walking having Nanon in his arms.
Nanon's heart were beating fast his cheeks are red duo of blushing.

Nanon left no choice but to wrap his arms around ohm. As ohm continue to walk.


Nanon's pov-

We reached at the top of hill station I'm still in ohm's arms but the view I'm looking in front of me is eternal beauty. I wasn't done looking at the view but ohm walked towards somewhere and I saw a bench he placed me down. Sit down ohm said and I sat down he knee down in front of me and held on my ankle. I was confused and just looking at him he glanced at me it will hurt but you will be fine ohm said I still didn't understand him.

But then he twisted my ankle really hard I almost yelled but immediately cover my mouth my eyes were wide open. I glared at ohm and he chuckled. What is this ohm I'm hurt more than before I said and stood up but I did not felt any pain on my ankle.

I stopped and look down at my ankle I walked further and it wasn't paining anymore. I smiled and faced ohm who is behind me standing. Hey it's not paining anymore but wait? I walked towards him and spoke why didn't do that when we was down in forest I asked and he leaned closer making me step back. Maybe I wanted to carry you he said and walked away.

Huh w-what? I whispered but he was already gone. I took long breath because my heart was keep beating fast. Nanon! I heard phuwin along with him chimon also ran towards me. Are you okay? Chimon asked and I smiled at him it's OK Na I'm already fine. I don't feel any pain now ohm helped me I said and chimon nodded.

This is really weird to see ohm helping Nanon I always saw him bullying our non phuwin said and I understand him very well. I mean at first I was shocked too but I already used to it now. But it's new for everyone.

Maybe our non making him fall in love chimon said and winked at me I shook my head but then chimon become serous. Whatever even though he is caring but still Nanon I request you to stay away from him you know he only plays with peoples feelings chimon said and I already felt upset about this thing. How can I forget that ohm is alpha who had multi night stand.

This thing ached in my heart I took long breath and decided to not think about it yeah yeah leave it let's just enjoy here. I said and joined with phuwin and chimon.

Dew's pov-

I was watching the view in front me the forest from hill looks really beautiful. I check the time because we have to go back Bangkok in evening it's an only 3pm in afternoon but then my phone rang. I took out my mobile and saw the caller ID its mr chittsawangdee (ohm's dad) calling me.

I went aside and answer the call. Hello uncle?

Dew my son I want to talk about something important!

Yes uncle say.

Actually I found someone really special for you.

Um I did not understand uncle

Ohooo I'm trying to say your dad asked me to find someone for your marriage but the good thing I found a male omega for you I'm sure he is best for you.

Ohh so dad already told you for my marriage huh?

Yes...well in next week I'm coming back to Thailand I will introduce the boy with you is that okay? Do you want to meet that omega?

I can't say no to you uncle I will meet the boy don't worry

Glad so let's meet soon!

Sure! Well I gotta go uncle I will call you later.

Sure sure bye!

As I cut the call and sigh. I think I won't able to run away from the marriage this time. I'm an already 28 let's just meet the omega and think further.

As I turned around to see the students and walked towards them to gather them all.

To be continued.....

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