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Today is the day that I have been waiting so eagerly, I'm gonna get married to my omega my non. I'm getting ready for my wedding I have applied little make up to look good even though I Look handaome as hell. I pick up the watch and put it on my wrist but I smell the scent that I haven't smelled from long time and I immediately turn around.

getting married with the love of your life? p'dew

asked with a calm smile. he have wear a brown suit, and looking at me how he used to before there's no hate in his eyes. p'dew.... I whisper his name and I can't say anything after that. p'dew shook his head and walked towards me, don't worry alpha ohm, I'm not here to ruin your wedding, he says then sighed sanding in front of me. if uncle didn't told me I would have never get to know you're getting married with nanon he said and I look away.

it's not like I didn't wanted to invite him I wanted too, but I wasn't sure if p'dew still likes nanon that thought always makes me think different. I even wanted that p'dew should see my son ronan too but I dunno how to talk with him because last time I meet him I was so mad at him.

I realized ohm, that nobody can loves Nanon more than you, and I'm moving on p'dew said as he placed his both hands on my shoulder. take care of your family ohm, I'm so happy to know that my little brother is gonna be with his family p'dew said while looking at me and I smiled at him. so let's go out your soon to be husband will be on stage p'dew said and he gesture to go out but I pulled him into a tight hug.

I'm sorry for everything p'dew, I was so scared to lose nanon I confess and p'dew pat my back and we broke the hug. it's okay I understand and let's not talk about past today is your wedding day so let's celebrate p'dew said and we both left from the room going to wedding venue.



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As I took long breath and enter in wedding venue walking towards the stage and I could hear the gasps and cheering voice for me of course I'm looking so good today, I looked around and I saw my baby ronan with mrs kirdpan he is giggling at me and ...

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As I took long breath and enter in wedding venue walking towards the stage and I could hear the gasps and cheering voice for me of course I'm looking so good today, I looked around and I saw my baby ronan with mrs kirdpan he is giggling at me and I waved at him. he is 4 months now still so small.

I get on stage as I saw all packs members are here and I took long breath I'm nervous but I can't wait to see my omega. just in few minutes my nose hit the lavender scent and I knew it's my omega a smile formed on my face and I look ahead and saw like a Angel nanon was coming towards the stage, he looks eternal beautiful that I can't take off my eyes from him. my mouth went little wide looking at the beautiful omega.

when nanon noticed me he gave me his dimple smile. nanon wore a white suit which makes him looks like a prince, I'm falling in love with him more and more. nanon get on stage and he stand up in front of me and glanced at me. you're looking so handsome soon to be hubby nanon said and I chuckle and you're looking the most beautiful person on this earth my love I said just then the priest clears his throat.

okay love birds let's start the wedding he said and I nodded. hold each others hands the priest said and I take nanon's hand in mine. we are looking at each others so lovingly. the priest was saying the vow and we both repeated after him.

so Mr pawat chittsawangdee do you take mr korapat kirdpan as your husband? the priest said.

I do I said looking at nanon and he was already smiling brightly.

and Mr korapat kirdpan do you take mr pawat chittsawangdee as your husband? the priest again repeat and nanon nodded before saying I do... as he said and squeeze my hand. so in front of your parents presence I'm bonding you both as husbands..... as the priest said and everyone was cheering up you may kiss guys priest said and I walked closer to nanon holding on his nape and we connected our lips to each others kissing each others deeply and everyone was clapping now.

we broke the kiss and joined our temples to each other congratulations husband pawat nanon said congratulations you too korapat I replied to him......



later everyone congrats me and ohm, because ronan was crying I had to take him with me and he immediately stopped crying. today is my wedding and I was so happy for this day. ohm was looking like a greek god and I had hard time to not stare at him. and I knew that my husband was keep looking at me without caring about others.

it's time for the meals and ronan is in my arms I have sat down on the chair just then ronan started to cry I'm sure he is not comfortable in this clothes. May I take ronan? two voice spoke at same time me and ohm look behind and saw it's p'dew and milk who spoke at same time, they both look at each others and milk smiles nervously. ehhh it's okay you can take ronan p'dew she said. no it's Alright if you want too p'dew also said.

nah I'm sure you must want to hold ronan as it's your first time seeing him so go ahead don't worry milk said and p'dew then faces me. can I nanon? he asked and with a smile I handed ronan to p'dew, oh my god champ you looks exactly like your dad p'dew said and we laughed along with him......

everyone is happy me, mom, ohm and his parents, my friends and ohm's friends and I'm so so glad we are all okay now everything is fine and going well and I wish we all always stay happy and live a good life. maybe my life was so bad before but now my life is good and I can ask for nothing now, I have the person to whom I loves the most but I'm having a child who is proof of mine and ohm's love, and I hope we live happy life....

I was looking at p'dew and ronan just then ohm wrapped his hand around me and leans closer to my ear. you didn't give me any wedding gift nanon? ohm said and I faced him even though we are so close to each other I still didn't take back my face. what you want as

wedding gift? I asked him. well..... I want more kids with you he says and I made wide eyes and punches his shoulder but gently. do you want to make a football team or what? I said and he chuckled.

yeah something like that he said and I shook my head stop joking pawat I said taking away my face but he held my face. I'm serous honey I want more kids and you have to give me he said and I face palm myself because my face was getting red and maybe everyone heard and they all started to make teasing noise........


Thanks for showing love to this story and here we finally finish our "MADLY OBSESSED" story. I hope you all enjoyed reading this story. and I'm extremely sorry for my mistakes if I made in this story....And please keep supporting and stay with me because I'm nothing without you guys....I'm gonna bring more ohmnanon story's so stay tuned and take care of yourself..... ❤💚

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