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Nanon's pov-

I saw the fuming alpha walking out without looking at me. I'm sure he is not happy living with me but I left no choice but to live with that jerk.

It's not like I want to stay with him honestly I will have big trouble living with him for this whole month. And I need to stay on his good terms now, I wanted to fight back but I can't, since I will be seeing him 24/7.

I sighed and looked at Naya aunty (ohm's mom) who is telling me how excited she is to visit Japan and same goes to mom both are really happy and couldn't stop talking.

Ohm's pov-

I sip on my drink while my friends chit chatting. I can't believe dad wants me to live with that looser omega, I said and rubbed my temple.

Your talking about whom? Perth asked.

Nanon my maids son. I replied with irritation.

I don't know why you hate him I mean Nanon is kinda cute. Neo said while sipping on his drink.

Shut up neo he is an maids son. I said and dew chuckled I snapped my head towards his direction and furrowed my eyebrows.

Why you laugh? I asked p'dew

That's such a stupid reason to hate someone ohm, p'dew replied and I rolled my eyes.

P'dew why you always take that omegas side? I asked him.

I'm not taking his side ohm I'm just telling you the right thing. P'dew replied with a little smile.

Whatever from tomorrow he will be living at my mansion. I said and leaned on couch.

Bro can we do last summer party at your house? Perth asked being excited, dew and I looked at each others and nodded that's a good idea dad won't be at home so yeah we can do that. I said liking Perth's idea.

So tomorrow night we will invite all friends and do the party I said and Perth nodded his head that's great and I'm going to buy all alcohol stuff that's it Perth said And I showed him my thumb up.

Author's pov-

Both ohm and Nanon waving at their parents as they are at airport and their parents going inside. But as soon they saw their parents left both made blank face and sighed.

I'm going college. Nanon said without looking at ohm and about to leave whatever I don't care where you go. Ohm said and Nanon regret even saying that he shook his head and keep walking away.

Ohm looked at Nanon who is walking away from him he felt little irritation when Nanon ignores him.

Dumb omega ohm said and get inside his car he started his engine and looked straight he saw Nanon getting inside taxi and left.

Ohm also left from there.


Nanon's pov-

Seriously you are gonna live with that baster alpha? Chimon said with shocked voice I sighed and nodded my head.

I have to because I promised to his dad and Mr chittswangdee is someone I really respect them because of them we wasn't roaming on street. I said feeling really thanks to Mr chittswangdee.

Fine but be careful with ohm he is really a jerk and ridiculous phuwin said and i nodded with a little smile seeing how my omega friends are worried about me.

I won't face him before he wakes up I would already leave the house for college I will rather stay outside than staying at his house and see his face. I replied and ate the last bit of pizza.

Okay fine but Perth told me they are having parties tonight at ohm's house , chimon said while looking at his phone. I raised my eyebrows and spoke. And since when you're started to talk with Perth?

I asked when chimon looked at me with a nervous face but immediately laugh nervously guys I follow him on instagram and he was the one who send me text so I just randomly replied him I swear to God he fucking tell Me every detail even if I won't ask trust me. Chimon said while having his wide eyes I shook my head and laughed at his reaction.

Me and phuwin knows that chimon have a crush on Perth but he wouldn never let us know.

Anyways I will mind my business I will stay in my room locked up. I said and stand up I gotta go home for packing my stuff see you later guys. I said and pull up my bag and left from there.

When I come back home I packed my necessary stuff few clothes and my important stuff.

I packed them and locked the house and headed to chittsawangdee's mansion I decided to take walk because the mansion is not that far away from my house.

After 15 minutes I was standing in front of the big ass mansion I gulped down just by thinking how will I able to face that baster ohm.

I took long breath and went inside when the guard bowed to Me and I bowed back at him.

As I step inside the living room I heard the laughing voice then I saw Perth, dew and ohm chit chatting.

Maybe they realized I'm also there they 3 snapped their heads towards me Perth waved his hand towards Me and p'dew smiled at me then lastly I glanced at ohm who is with blank face I bowed them when another maid spoke.

Nanon my son you're here! Come with me I will show you your room. She said and I nodded I followed her upstairs she showed me the room and I realized my room is next to ohm's room. Aunty can't I get another room? I asked and she shook her head I'm sorry Nanon but Mr chittswangdee is the one who arrange this room for you. She said.

I nodded she patted my shoulder and left. I sighed and went inside and close the door behind me.

I looked at the room and it was so modern one so clean and smell really good. I placed my bag down and jumped on bed.

I'm honestly not interested to stay here but this bed is so soft and comfy. I said and smiled to myself.

But I felt an easy feelings God knows why do I feel but I want to ignore it for now.

I took out my clothes from my bag and went in bathroom to take shower.


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