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Nanon's pov-

The Dr took my blood test and checked on me they asked few questions which was awkward for me but thankfully Dr Jimmy was kind and didn't make me feel nervous.

I sighed as I stand up from the bed walking out from the small check up room. Mr korapat right now I'm Lil busy can I give your report card tomorrow? Dr Jimmy asked and I nodded with hesitation. But please call Me when the report is ready I replied and dr nodded with a smile I stood up and left from there.

Later when I come back home I saw mom placing the food on dinning table when she noticed me she gave her sweet smile to me which I smiled back in return. Non let's have dinner she said and I nodded I went in bathroom and washed my face and hands and went back in living room where is our small dinning table. As I take my seat beside mom we started to have our dinner.

But then she spoke non the boy will meet you tomorrow she said and I nodded okay I will go and meet him I said with not so interested no need to go anywhere he is going to visit our house tomorrow mom said and I nodded. Fine then!

After finishing my meals I went to sleep even though I don't know if I will able to.

Next day

Ohm's pov-

As usual I woke up late in morning I did my morning routine and headed downstairs. Expecting to see that dimple omega but then I realized he left yesterday. God knows what happened with me but I was restless last night and couldn't sleep at all. In my entire life nobody makes me this worried the way Nanon doing to me.

His ignorance is pissing me off. I want to touch him and smell his scent till I'm satisfied. I want to bite on his soft lips wants to hear him moaning my name meanwhile I'm inside him. I'm a beast when it's about Nanon but I'm obsessed with him madly. I used to live without him before but today I'm feeling like I never knew how to live a life without him.

Ohm! Mom called my name when she saw me still standing on door step. I blinked my eyes and look at her she looked worried and walked towards me are you OK my son? She asked and I nodded with hesitation then why you're still standing here don't you want to go college? She said and I sigh I'm going bye! I replied short and walked out my mom called my name few times but I wanted to just walk away.

When I reached at college I parked my car and headed inside the college just then pond called my name from behind. I turn to face him and he waved at me he walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my shoulder yo bro good morning! He said and I just continue with walking. Hey! What's wrong? Pond asked taking back his hand. Nothing just a bad morning I replied and he nodded.

As we both enter in classroom I glanced at the seat where Nanon would always sit with his friends but I only saw phuwin. Oh he is alone today pond said and walked towards phuwin to my shock when pond approached phuwin they smiled at each others.

I walked towards my seat and sat down and then I saw Perth talking on call. As he saw me he said bye to whoever he was with talking and faced me. Where is your boyfriend? I asked Perth and he made worried face. Bro he is sick and I will have to go and see my baby he said and I rolled my eyes.

And you have to come with me because you're going to drop me at hospital Perth said why me? Where is your car? I asked and he chuckled I had fight with dad and in anger I hit the car on tree so I'm sure you know what happened later. He said and I sigh.


me and Perth got in my car I drove to the hospital where chimon is admit. Perth looks worried because I never saw him this worried for anyone maybe he really loves his omega.

As we reached at the hospital Perth got off from car as I was about to drive he immediately spoke. Ohm why don't you visit chimon with me? He asked I thought for a minute but then nodded. I parked my car and went inside the big hospital.

Perth talked at reception and they told chimon's room number Perth thanked the lady and we walked towards the lift and went on 2nd floor.

Perth searched for the room and he finally found he knock on door and a nurse come out while opening the door as I saw chimon on bed when Perth saw him he immediately went inside and hugged his omega. How are you now? Perth asked to chimon and I enter in room. I'm fine thankfully you're here because I'm about to discharge chimon said and Perth nodded.

As chimon noticed me he gave me his confused look Perth notice and laugh nervously actually he dropped me here so I asked him to visit you Perth said and chimon gave me a small smile.

But then the dr enter in he walked towards chimon before glancing at me and Perth. Chimon are you feeling better now? The Dr asked chimon yes dr jimmy I'm fine now chimon replied to the Dr and a nurse behind him spoke. Dr Jimmy here is the patient report card she said handing the report file to Dr.

He opened but shook his head miss naya it's not chimon's report card Dr Jimmy said everyone in room glanced at the nurse and she looked confused she grabbed the report from Dr's hand. And then nervously smiled. Oh I'm sorry it's Mr korapat's report card as she said and about to walk away but when I hear the name I get curious wait! I said as the nurse stop and looked at Me.

Is it Nanon korapat? I asked as she nodded do you know him? Dr Jimmy asked wait what Is that report about? Chimon asked. It's pregnancy test report when Dr Jimmy said that my eyebrows got up WHAT? DO YOU HAVE ANY MISS UNDERSTANDING? chimon almost yelled he stood up snatching the report file from the nurse.

Chimon's eyes scanned the file but his eyes get more wide with curiosity I walked beside him seeing him froze on his spot. What happened? I asked as he looked at me. Nanon is pregnant chimon whispered I couldn't believe I held the report and saw by myself and the report showing positive. My body felt stiff.

B-but Nanon didn't told me anything about this? GOD DAMMIT HE IS HIDING SOMETHING FROM ME chimon again yelled chimon stop yelling Perth said how can I? I'm his best friend and I didn't know he was dating someone and now suddenly got pregnant WTF chimon burst out but I gulped down.

But who could get Nanon pregnant? Chimon asked to Perth but I wanted to see Nanon right now I need to ask him about this by himself. I need to go I said and walked out I heard Perth calling me but I didn't listen him and ran out.

To be continued.....

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