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Ohm's pov-

I enter in mansion just to smell really good aroma of food, I walked towards the kitchen and saw it's the omega cooking something without realizing I walked towards him. What you're cooking? I asked and this time he did not turn maybe he already knew it's me. I'm hungry so just preparing noodles. Nanon said without looking at me.

I nodded and about to leave but he spoke. I prepared for you too have it, he said and placed the bowel of noodles on kitchen bar I looked at the bowel then at him he is busy to add ingredients in his noodles. I grab the bowel and left from kitchen.

As I enter in my room and let my bag fell down I sat down on bed and started to eat the noodles it will be lie if I say he don't cook well he actually cooks like Mrs kirdpan.

I finished the bowel and placed it on table and went in bathroom to freshen up as I took shower and brushed my teeth I went out and wore my comfy clothes and headed downstairs.

While walking towards downstairs I hear talking voice as I enter in living room and saw its p'dew and pond talking with Nanon. They heard my footsteps and looked at Me I walk towards them and stand beside Nanon. What's brings you here? I asked dew and pond. But they both sat down on couch.

Can't we visit your house now? Pond asked and I sigh and sat on couch with them. Or you don't want us to disturb you and Nanon huh? Pond asked and looked at him with blank expression. Shut up why you think like that? I asked as Nanon about to walk away but p'dew spoke where your going Nanon? P'dew asked and I glanced at him.

Um in room he Said but p'dew smiled at him. Why don't you stay here with us what you're gonna do in room p'dew said and Nanon looked nervous just sat down. P'dew again said Nanon nodded and  sat down on couch which is in front of me. My eyes didn't left his face until pond coughed and I glared at him. Well well how's living with ohm pawat, Nanon? Pond asked and I raised my one eyebrow.

It's good. Nanon said but pond immediately spoke. Really? I can't believe I mean I know my friend he is an trouble maker didn't he annoyed you? Pond asked again I was about to speak but p'dew spoke. Pond do you want them to fight after we leave? Stop it. P'dew said and pond just shook his head and laugh. No man I know this both will punch each others once we leave. Pond said and p'dew shook his head.

Whatever you can leave if you're gonna talk nonsense. I said ohoo you're so rude ohm pond said and I just nodded yes I'm! I replied

Enough enough are you going to join campus? P'dew asked and I nodded of course I will. I answered when p'dew glanced at Nanon what about you Nanon? P'dew asked and Nanon nodded yes I will join too. Nanon said but he's phone rang excuse me I have to go he said and walked out from living room.

Nanon's pov-

I immediately walked out from mansion I wasn't able to even breathe around them I looked at the caller ID and saw it's chimon yes bro? I asked him.

Non can you please come to my home I can't choose between T-shirts or shirt. Chimon said and I sigh seriously chimon just wear whatever you want I replied but he whined are you coming or not? He asked and I sigh again. Fine I'm coming. I said and cut the call as I left from there.

At night.

I helped chimon getting ready as he was nervous meeting with Perth first time outside I encourage him and he finally left. I sighed and helped chimon to reset his closet.

I checked my mobile and it's already 8pm I immediately left chimon's apartment and waited for taxi as I finally found the taxi and get inside and the driver drove off after few minutes I reached at the mansion.

I left the taxi and went inside and saw ohm on couch with different expression he slowly look up and there his face went blank again. Where you was? He asked. I was at chimon's apartment. I replied you could have told me before going. He said without looking at me now taking out his mobile.

I didn't realize but you could have called if you needed something I asked and he look at me. I don't have your number he said and I realized I walked towards him and spoke give me your phone I will add my number I said and he handed me his mobile I enter my number and give it back to him.

I'm going in room. I said but before I leave he spoke. Come to my room later. He said and stood up walking away and I just forget that we wasn't on good terms and I know what he means come to his bedroom.

I sighed and went in my bedroom and took warm shower and wore comfy clothes I don't want to leave my bedroom but if I don't he will do something again that I will regret.

I took long breath and walked out from the room and walked towards his bedroom before I knock I saw the door is unlocked I slowly open the door and enter in room in that time ohm come out from bathroom having his robe on him and his wet hairs just making him more hot.

I couldn't help but to look at him. Ohm smirked and walked towards me and pulled me towards him. Ready to get fucked? Ohm asked making me weak I did not answer when he buried his face in my neck taking long breath and groaned. I can't wait he said slipped his hands inside my shirt touching my skin.

I got goosebumps when his cold hand touched me I close my eyes when I felt the wet kisses on my neck. Later I was being picked up and laid down on bed I felt the hot breath on my lips but ohm didn't kiss me I slowly open my eyes and saw him staring at me his wet hairs water drop fell on my face. But ohm wiped them away and cupped my right cheek. He leaned and kissed me softly.

I don't know but I kissed him back because I feel like to. But he kissed me really roughly making me yelp.
He didn't stopped and kisses me hungrily. I cupped his cheeks when he slowly down and his hand went down while still kissing me. He pull down my shorts along with my boxers. I felt ticklish when the air touched my sensitive area.

Later my members was held by ohm I moaned between the kiss and he rubbed my tip. But later his fingers went to my little hole. Without any warning ohm pushed his finger inside me I again moaned when ohm broke the kiss and breathed on my face. My back arched when he added another finger. Ohm! I moaned and he speed up his fingers move. Ohm I can't. I said but that didn't stop him.

I couldn't stop moaning so I cover my mouth. Why the fuck you stop moaning? Ohm said and pulled away my hand I moaned continue.
Ohm stopped and pulled out his fingers I was having struggle to breath ohm went towards the table and opened the drawer and took out condom he wore it and come back to Me.

He touched my leg and get between me he held on his cock and pushed it inside me I threw back my head because of the pain. He held my both legs and thrusts deeply, ohm I moaned his name when he thrust continue. Fuck you're still tight ohm said while hitting inside me.

My mind felt numb I could hear is the breaths and my moans, Ohm grunts many times while doing his work. But now he started to hit my spot making me moaning mess and loudly. I cried whenever he hit there.

I already cummed but after few minutes ohm stopped and breathed heavily. He pulled out and laid besides me while catching his breath. My eyes were closed because I have no energy left in me.

My eyes felt heavy and I drift to sleep...

To be continued....

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