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ohm's pov-

I chuckled after whatever p'dew said I glared at the hand by which he is hold on Nanon take back your hand I said with so much calmness yet too seriously no I won't! it Will be Good if you let go nanon and nanon he looked at nanon trust me ohm is someone who can not be serious in his life and it's about your child so be careful by choosing p'dew said and I felt really irritated.

I pushed nanon towards me with full force that Nanon almost fell but i held on him there is no fucking way I let him chose anyone I said as my eyes glow red it's my Wolf getting angry and aggressive but I saw p'dew's eyes also started to glow green our wolf was ready to attack on each others. ohm calm down my mom said but I wasn't going to listen her all I want to protecting my omega. nobody can take him from me I growls.

and you will see I will claim nanon as mine p'dew said and I marched towards p'dew ready to throw my punchs at him. I grab p'dew's collar and about to hit him but we heard a loud thud voice. I stopped when nanon's mom yell and ran towards nanon I immediately left p'dew and look behind and saw him laying on floor. I walked towards Nanon and he was unconscious. I will call the dr. dad said and called dr. nanon my son! I gulped down I felt guilty but scared too why? am I too obsessed with nanon? I asked in my mind.

but I bend down and picked him up in bridal style o-ohm Nanon's mom whispered and I know she might thought I'm gonna take away nanon don't worry I'm taking him inside his bedroom I said and she nods showing me the room. as I enter in his room I laid him down on bed his eyes still leaving the tears his face is pinkish and nose is red.

just then the dr enter can you all go out I need to check the omega the old dr said I just left the room without saying anything. and went out of the house I feel my breathe is stuck. I have different emotions inside my chest which making me go crazy it's feels like someone is holding on me but I want to do something opposite. I ran my fingers through my hairs and left a heavy sigh. I don't understand why I behave that way when I got to know that nanon will accept p'dew.

but the thing bothering me so much when p'dew said he don't have any problems even if nanon is pregnant how the hell he can think that I will let go nanon and my baby to other alpha. I would kill anyone if anyone butt in my matter even if its my own cousin brother.

ohm! I heard the voice which makes me more mad I close my eyes in frustration knowing that p'dew will talk about the matter about me and nanon p'dew walked towards ME and stand in front of me with his serous yet calm eyes. what? I said you know what I'm trying to say tell me, what was the relationship between you and nanon that you got him pregnant huh? p'dew asked and I shook my head in frustration. I don't know why you want to know I replied.

I need to know since I'm gonna be his hu- before he speak I cut off him. for your kind information nanon is nothing to you p'dew I said but he shook his head. you know what ohm? I don't really want to fight with my own cousin brother why don't you just leave him? and if you're worried about the baby which I don't think you care at all because seems like you're obsessed with him but still i will take care of your baby p'dew said making my blood boil in anger.

I clinched my jaw I don't care what you think! but just know it nanon is mine and I'm gonna do everything just to make him stay with me I Said and walked towards p'dew more closer and I can kill you too if I need too I whispered with my deep voice. fine! let's do this p'dew said while looking deep into my eyes for kind of revenge. let's fight till whoever die first. if I died nanon will be yours but, if you died then nanon will be mine and the baby of yours will call me dad p'dew talked but that triggered thinking my own child calling him dad that's it I lose my mind.

fine I'm gonna kill you then I said as p'dew walked back and showed a evil smile this is true that p'dew is more powerful than me but I don't think I will let him win I will use my all strength just to drag him towards his death. as I looked at p'dew our eyes glowing at same time and here we turn into our werewolf form.

I heard the growls from p'dew his wolf is big as hell but mine also looks scary.

author's pov-

both ohm and dew attack on each others ohm slammed his hard paws on dew both growling more loudly and aggressive. dew also used his all strength and punched ohm really aggressively ohm's wolf growl in pain because the hit dew was giving so forcefully. ohm's wolf become more aggressive and bite on dew's wolf they was fighting like they are gonna rip apart each others.

both have a strong desire to win for a omega nanon. but dew knocked down ohm and almost rip his chest.

meanwhile nanon

when Nanon fainted, himself nanon also don't know. he woke up when he hears a loud noise.

what's going on outside? ohm's dad asked being panicked. w-where's ohm and dew? ohm's mom asked as she realized both alpha's are not here. nanon hears it and he immediately tried to stood up. please go and see them both Nanon's mom said being worried as she held on her omega son who was getting worried. ohm's dad ran outside as well ohm's mom. when they both went out they saw such a horrible view. they saw how ohm and dew were beating each other.

OHM! DEW! ohm's dad yelled at the both to stop them but they didn't ever heard him. ohm's dad about to go between those two but ohm's mom held onto dad. no honey. they are not in their sense if you go they might kill you. ohm's mom said she was already tearing up.

Nanon was getting bad vibes he couldn't take it and stood up to walk out even though he is feeling so weak. s-son where you're going? Nanon's mom asked as he glanced at his mom mom I need to see ohm he whisper and walked out while holding on his stomach as it's hurt there little bit. when he step on his door step he become stiff. his body got goosebumps when he saw two big ass wolf attacking on each others.

but then he realized they were ohm and dew. nanon felt his breath getting heavier he recognized ohm's wolf and he saw that ohm is Under dew and dew is making deep cut on his chest nanon's eyes become wide but he needs to stop them both. nanon didn't think too much and ran towards them. NANON NO! Nanon's mom yelled but Nanon ignored it and ran. he stand there P'DEW PLEASE STOP nanon yelled but non of them heard. nanon saw ohm is getting weak. P'DEW I'M CARRYING HIS CHILD! when nanon said that dew's wolf stopped and glanced at Nanon.

nanon saw a scary wolf looking at him I beg you please don't fight nanon said he heard ohm's wolf making painful noise. as both ohm and p'dew turned into Human form both was naked. but ohm's mom ran towards dew and hands him her scarf she then walked towards ohm and saw her son in blood ohm! ohm's mom yelled Nanon snapped his head towards ohm and he ran towards ohm and knee down besides him. o-ohm he felt a pang inside his chest seeing ohm like this.

to be continued....

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