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Ohm's pov-

I was in my meeting with the staff's. yess im an ceo of my dad's company now......and dad is a chair man, at the beginning it was hard for me to handle this works as I Never used to  do any of this works. but my mom said I'm working like my dad means I'm good at this and I just wanna be successful as my dad.

as the project head was explaining the work. I felt my phone vibrated I peek on my phone screen and saw its nanon Calling. I take my head little down and answer the calls. ohm! nanon said my name in panic tone and in the background I could hear baby crying and I felt worried. what happened nanon? I asked him. ohm please come back home I don't know what happened to ronan he kept crying nanon said almost in cry voice.

okay okay calm down I'm on my way call the dr I said and cut the call. excuses me everyone! Let's continue the meeting later, I have to go home it's urgent. I said grabbing my coat and left from the meeting hall. I ran to my car and get in as I drove off fast.

as soon as I reached at my mansion I get off from the car and ran inside. as I enter in living room I could hear ronans cry echoing in whole mansion. I placed my coat on couch and went upstairs. and I hear his cry voice loudly. as I enter in room I saw nanon was trying to make ronan stop crying. when nanon noticed me he walked towards me holding ronan in his arms. I was worried as hell because I haven't seen my child crying like that. look he have been crying for so long I feed him milk and cleans his body too but he seems to not stop crying. nanon said getting teary eyes.

calm down, give me ronan I said as I held him in my arms he immediately stopped. nanon was shocked so I'm but I smiled brightly when his doe eyes looking at me his little pink pout was so cute. wah this naughty boy wanted his dad nanon said placing his hands on his hips. yes nanon gave birth to a baby boy just 3 monthes ago and we named our baby as ronan. ronan is only 3 month baby and nanon have been taking care of him so much.

our familys was so happy when they got to know that nanon was in hospital and the baby is about to come out. I was so worried and panicked when we had to admit nanon in hospital and nanon would keep saying he's so in pain. I had really hard time to see nanon crying everytime because the baby wanted to come out and of course the pain must be unbearable.

but later the Dr's took him in emergency room and finally the baby was born. the first day nanon was so weak that he couldn't open his eyes. I was with him all the time and my family also stayed with us. dad told me to stay in Bangkok city and I had to listen him for my baby's goodness. as living in middle of forest wasn't that good in case if something happened to nanon or ronan I couldn't go to hospital right way.

everyone knows that nanon gave birth to the Baby my friends were so happy and they was keep staying with ronan until nanon would take away ronan to rest.

well I can't help though ronan is so cute, he have such a cute dimples like his papa but ronan looks exactly like me because that's what everyone said to me even nanon agreed that ronan looks more like me even though he have dimples. and I love my baby boy so much that I can't explain.

my love for nanon grew even more than before. we understand each other and solve everything if we had any miss understood. well well I'm the first person to say sorry between us. I'm glad to have nanon and he gave me ronan too. I'm so blessed in my life that I want nothing just live a peaceful life with my both babies.

and whenever I say sorry to Nanon for past things , he would say, everything happens for a reason and I actually believed that everything happens for a reason. and here me and nanon is together madly in love with each others and now having a baby boy too. now I only want to get married with nanon and make him all mine.

ohh my baby missed dad? I said holding on ronan's little finger which he wrapped around my big thumb. as nanon was on bed sitting. I could have already called you, I thought he must be in pain or something nanon said and I chuckle just then ronan giggles too. he is a daddy's boy nanon said and I sat beside nanon holding on ronan who is making small cute noises. are you okay? I asked Nanon and he laid down on bed.

no I'm so sleepy I have been woken up from 3am morning Now You take care of your baby I'm going to sleep he said pulling up the blanket. okay sleep well I will see my child I said and kissed Nanon's forehead and left from the room while having ronan in my arms.

I left in early morning for my works I knew that nanon was awake from 3am maybe before that too but he would feed ronan and ronan sleeps then again woke up. I sometimes take ronan so nanon could take rest but when in early morning I had meetings I had to go and nanon also said he would take care of ronan and I left. but here im back to this little hamster. ronan is an alpha and his eyes sometimes glow yellow he is child and they get excited for no reason and that's why his eyes glow yellow.

I sat down on living rooms sofa and placed ronan on it too I gave him his toys and he played with it I removed my suit jacket and loosens the necktie. as ronan was making cute noise while playing with the toys. I laid beside him and he gentle hit my face with a soft teddy bear which is so small. ronan's Uncle bought him so many toys and plushy.

just then my phone rang and I sat properly taking out my phone and saw it's milk my sister who was out of Thailand for her study's she also know that she have newphew and she was so excited to meet ronan and I'm sure she must be back. yeah milk? I said I'm back in Thailand hia you better not go anywhere with ronan okay? she said I'm not going anywhere just come over I replied okay bye I can't wait to hold my nephew she says and cut the call. everyone is being crazy to meet you ronan I wish I could let you meet that one person too.....

To be continued...

next chapter will be last chapter..
and sorry for late update, but your author got her results yesterday and I'm passed in every subjects. so I will have more time to write and I'm going to update new story's chapter's really soon so stay tuned and take care of yourself !!

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