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2 Days later

ohm's pov-

after the baby I saw I on video monitor I felt such a joy in my heart the happiness of being a father makes me so happy. that while looking at the baby I was smiling.

it's been two days the appointment had nanon is doing well its just he is not talking with me properly. I would go and visit his House he don't leave his room more often. I would go in his room and talk like a stupid and he would only listen. I'm scared that nanon still want to accept p'dew. as I got to know he have been calling to mrs kirdpan and asking about nanon.

I'm really frustrated with p'dew how can he still wants nanon after knowing he is pregnant by me. dad asked me many questions whenever I see him, but I lied to him that we was dating but did a mistake.

dad even asked why nanon is upset with me and I said I have did a mistake which wasn't a lie I have did a mistake I made nanon suffer I forced him for many things but I never knew things will turn out like this. but now I'm confused if I'm still obsessed with him or I'm falling in love with him. but all I know I want to have that baby with nanon and live a good life with him.

I know I don't deserve to be with nanon I know I'm not a good alpha for him but yet I can't see him with someone else or let him go and that's why today decided I will bbecame a good and better alpha for nanon I will understand him I will do anything just to make him stay with me.

with a smile I wore my jacket as I have to meet nanon today. I walked out from my room and went downstairs. good morning mom! dad! I wished them both after I saw them on dinning table having thier breakfast. good morning my son you looks so happy today mom said. yeah I was about to ask same. dad said and I take my seat beside dad. because I'm in good mood. I said taking the glass of orange juice.

yeah my son going to meet his omega right? dad asked and I nodded with a little smile. even though the mention of omega makes me happy. Nanon is still mad at you right? Mom asked and I nodded . As he should mom I'm doing my best to convinces him I said as I sighs but he don't even talk with me I said as mom pat my back it's okay my son, do your best and nanon will start talking with you mom said and I nodded .

But ohm in pregnancy omega needs their alpha near them and I think you needs to stay with nanon more often as his womb gonna grow mom said with concerns and I understand her but nanon doesn't want to stay with me what should I do? I asked

Even myself forgot about it. Its mrs kirdpan who told me that nanon will be needing you more with him mom replies. If you dont mind can I stay with nanon at our forest mansion I asked sure my son do everything that is perfect for nanon dad said and I smiled .

I will send maids and nurses at your mansions so just live with nanon dad again said okay then I will talk with nanon about it. I said and about to stood up when mom said hey wait for me I'm coming with you I want to see nanon mom said okay then let's go.

Nanon's pov-

Non? I was in my bedroom when mom walked inside and I sat up from the bed. Yeah? I asked as someone also showed up from behind but when I glance I saw its p'dew he showed his dimple smile but I couldn't return him the same smile as I know last time what happened. P'dew? I whispers as he waves his hands towards me can I come in nanon? P'dew asked and I did my best to smiles and nodded.

As p'dew enter in mom spoke I will let you both talk I have works to do she said and nodded towards me. Damn mom left I thought she will stay here and its morning ohm will be here anytime. How are you nanon? P'dew asked and my eyes land on him I'm fine. How are you? I asked then I realized he is standing oh please take a seat I said as p'dew nodded and sat beside me.

You looks more pale ? P'dew asked yeah its because of pregnancy I replies and he just smiled. Don't worry I'm just here to see you I'm not gonna talk about wedding things p'dew said and I somehow got relief. But I want to ask you something when p'dew said that my eyes didn't left his face what?

I still don't know what was happening between you and ohm before p'dew asked and my body went cold I gulped and look away. So there is something right? You're hiding? P'dew asked and I sighs why you want to know p'dew please let it go I said but p'dew shook his head nanon! No matter what you will have to talk with someone about your matter and about ohm you need to think about him too because he is father of your child. When p'dew said that my eyes become teary.

I-I know but I just can't be with him I said as p'dew held on my hand. Nanon if you trust me then tell me everything I might help you with something p'dew asked and my teary eyes looked at him and I decided to tell him everything.

As i told him everything like everything. Nanon if you was forced you could have at least told someone p'dew said but I was sobbing. I was so scared to tell anyone I thought my image will be down I sobbed more. B-but I never knew I will fall in love with him but he broke my heart the day I saw him dragging another girl outside the club h-he even made her pregnant by him now how can I accept him will he love my child? Or he is going abandon me and my child. I said whatever was going inside my mind.

Nanon....... I know you're worried and if you love ohm talk with him or if you think ohm is not gonna take care of you ND your child I'm Ready to take the responsibility of everything only if you trus-

no need to do that because I'm here.............. a stern voice come out from behind p'dew

to be continued........

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