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as I did my morning routine and went downstairs. I saw ohm is already there sitting on dinning chair. I walked towards him as he heard my footsteps and looked at me and gave a soft smile. good morning nanon he said and I smiled back at him. good morning I said and sat beside him.

as tu came and served the breakfast I glanced at her and she smiled at me. then she left with April. I took the Toast and ate it I glanced at ohm and he was looking at me and i remember he wants to talk. you wanted to say something? I asked and he nodded. then say I'm going to listen I said but he stood up and walked towards me and sat on the chair which is near me as he looked deep into my eyes.

I don't have any intentions to hurt you and I know that day you was scared but I wanted to say that day you saw me that girl dragging out she was blaming me that I made her pregnant and I'm not gonna lie that I never slept with her I did but I always used protection and after I got you I stopped going to her and she was pregnant by another alpha not by me and I already confirmed by the DNA test I will show you he said and walked near the drawer and grab the paper and walked back.

this he said and I grab it and my eyes scanned the whole report and it showed that the DNA is not matching to ohm. that's gives me relief and I'm so glad about it. I look up at ohm and I can see he was nervous and tensed I gave him my smile and grab his hand making him sit down on chair. I'm so glad that you told me the truth and I'm sorry that day I behaved like that but I thought you would accept that girl I said with low tone and ohm immediately shook his head.

I understand why you thought that, but know it that I don't want anyone except you and we're gonna have baby I can't even think of anyone and I'm sorry for everything he said and I couldn't believe this is the ohm who used to act rude with me everytime, I just stare at him without saying anything and ohm held my hand. nanon...... please give us a chance please let me prove that I love you he finally said and that makes my heart go faster.

he squeezed my hand with pleading eyes. please nanon.... I want our baby should stay with both of us.. and I want you in my life and I swear to my baby I'm not only obsessed over you but but I'm madly in love with you he said and I got goosebumps after the mention of madly in love. but no matter what I have been getting hurt by him and I still need to confirm if he is not obsessed even if I love him I need to hold on myself before making any decisions.

ohm.......... I said as he waited for me to spoke you need to prove me that you really love me till our child's birth you have to prove everything that you're not only obsessed with me I said and he smiled and nodded I will do everything just to make you believe on me he said and I nodded with a smile. and yeah chimon wanted to talk with you I bought your phone back he said taking out my old Mobile.

our exam's are about to start so we gotta study I will bring the books he said and I nodded taking back my phone. have breakfast first ohm said and then we both again started to have our breakfast.


as I got my mobile I went inside my bedroom and saw so many notifications and calls. I tapped on contact and saw chimon and phuwin have called me so many times. I immediately called this two on conference. I waited as the ring was going on.

chimon immediately answered the calls and same goes to phuwin.

heyy guys....... I said with so much excitement....

my God nanon you're alive I'm glad phuwin said and I giggle.

how are you nanon? is ohm forcing you again tell me where are you? chimon asked and I was so touched because my both friends were so worried for me.

guys guys..... I'm fine and about ohm he is not forcing or doing anything I'm fine with him... I answered them.

how is your health? chimon told me that you're pregnant by ohm, is it really true? phuwin asked

ummm yeah I'm actually pregnant by him....... I said and I can hear phuwin gasped.

wtf did he forced you? phuwin asked and chimon immediately spoke. well I'm waiting for Nanon's Explain that when he is gonna tell us everything he said and I sigh.

guys when we will meet I'm gonna tell you everything for now let it be I said to them.

okay okay are you taking good care of yourself because you're carrying a baby so be careful chimon said and I smiled yeah chimon is right! I wish I could see you right now but god knows where are you phuwin asked.

myself also dunno where am I because the place is seems like Middle of forest and here is river also I said to them.

okayyy so when you're coming back here? phuwin asked but before I say anything chimon answer.

well our exam's are about to start so he better comes to college chimon said of course I will I replied as 3 started to talk an random stuff and share everything with each others and after a while I laughed so much with them freely.

ohm's pov-

I could hear nanon's goggle from the room when I was passing by his room I smiled too knowing my omega is happy and doing well. I didn't wanted to disturb him so I went back in living room just then I saw a tall figure enter in. and I saw the face it's alpha mew when he saw me he smiled at me and with curiosity I walked towards him.

alpha mew? how you know I'm living here? I asked as he patted my shoulder your dad told me and I got to know that you have unmated omega he asked and raised his eyebrows. yeah it's true I replied and he left a deep sigh. I'm sure you know after Making someone else's omega pregnant will be harm for you and that omega also alpha dew said and I clinched my jaw.

my omega is only mine I said with deep voice and alpha mew shook his head. I'm not here to argue with you alpha ohm, I just wanted to say in next week there is full moon night and if you find your mate what you're gonna do? he asked and without thinking anything I replied. I'm rejecting whoever is gonna be my mate because I only need nanon I said and alpha mew nodded.

what about nanon? what he have decided? what if he also got his mate? he said and I didn't realize about it that nanon also might find his mate on this moon night, thinking that nanon might choose his future alpha triggered me and I felt frustrated. I don't care he is carrying my child and he will also reject his mate that's it I said with glare and alpha mew gave me a smile. okay if there's something you want to talk about then contact with me okay? he asked and I just nodded.

can I see your omega? mew asked and I scoffed why you wanna see my omega? I said and he chuckled okay fine I'm leaving then bye he waved and left from there. but I need to talk with nanon about this matter I need to know what he is gonna do and god knows what is happening I'm getting aggressive I'm getting thought of killing Nanon's future alpha and never let him meet my omega.

nanon is mine and only mine I will do anything if nanon decide to choose his future alpha I said and with clenched jaw I walked up stairs.

to be continued.....

MADLY OBSESSED.OHMNANON (WEREWOLF AU) Where stories live. Discover now