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Author's pov-

Nanon made wide eyes when neo said that what the hell neo that's impossible Nanon said and neo shook his head well dare is dare complete it right now neo said and Nanon looked at ohm just to see him smirking at him but Nanon immediately look away neo I honestly can't do that I will do anything but not this. Nanon said.

Come on Nanon it's just a kiss and nothing else neo said but Nanon wasn't going to listen he again glanced at ohm and spoke why don't you say anything it's not like you will let me kiss you. Nanon said but ohm just shrugged it off I'm a man who had multi night stands a kiss won't effect me but seems like it will effect on you right? Ohm asked more like mocking Nanon.

Nanon gets irritated and stood up sorry neo there is no way I'm kissing him sorry Nanon said that and walked away from there yah stop right there Nanon you can't just walk away from game. Neo yelled but Nanon ignored him and keep walking away.

Well this game is not interested neo I'm out too. Ohm said and stretched his arms and stood up waving at neo and walked away.

WTF is wrong with everyone! Neo said in frustration he was enjoying the game 4 members already left. when dew showed up what's wrong with you? Dew asked. neo stood up and grab the glass of alcohol and walked away huh? Strange. Dew said he sat down on couch along with chimon, Perth and phuwin. Pond come back alone and sat beside phuwin as he looked at him and smiled hey I'm pond pond said to phuwin and phuwin just nodded his head won't you say your name? Pond asked but phuwin looked at him for a minute then spoke.

I'm phuwin. This is what phuwin said pond shook his head.....

Nanon's pov-

I went in bathroom from where all the boys and girls were coming out and going inside. I can't believe that jerk was ready to kiss me but there is no way I'm losing my first kiss for him. But my cheeks are red I was getting flustered by thinking of kissing him. I splashed water on my face and wiped by the towel.

I took long breath then come out. The lobby is little dark and I could see there are many girls and boys having make out session. I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore.

But a familiar figure caught my attention. She looked really familiar to me and then I figured out that she exactly looks like prim my heart felt a fear but to confirm I walked near to them but when the boy went to her neck I could see the face clearly. My eyes almost popped out and saw it's prim. I felt like my breath stopped my chest felt numb.

It's feels like someone placed stone on my heart I tried to breath but couldn't when suddenly someone grabbed my hand and dragged me out my eyes were blur I couldn't see anything properly.

When I blinked a tear left from my eyes. I was getting dragged by someone but I wasn't in sense when suddenly I felt like someone shaking me. I blinked my eyes many times I look up at the person and saw its ohm. To not show my face I looked away and decided to walk away but he held my hand pulling me back.

I know everything whatever happened there. He said and I couldn't help but to tear up more. I can't believe you're crying for her but she is enjoying with random man. Ohm said but I didn't meet with his eyes I'm sure he will make fun of me right now. P-please leave me alone. I whispered but he lowered his face to my level and held my chin. Let me help you to forget that. He said but I shook my head and pushed him away.

No please just let me be alone. I again said. ohm shook his head and said let me treat you drinks then it will help you to forget for a while. Ohm said but this time I agreed with him I honestly feel really bad of course I loved prim truly. I nodded my head as he showed the way and I walked with him.

Two vodka please. Ohm said to the bartender he placed the two Vodka ohm pushed the shot in front of me I grab it and drank in one swings.
I-I want more please. I said and the waiter placed another shot.

I drank almost 10 shots of vodka and my head started to feel numb but prim kissing someone wasn't going away from my mind. I still felt pain in my heart. I look besides me with my blur vision I was ohm looking at Me while having his drinks. I placed the glass down with my trembling steps I walked towards him. You wanted me to kiss you right I will do it right now I said and went near him but he stopped me placing palm on my mouth I glared at him and removed his hands.

Why nobody likes am I that bad? I asked with teary eyes ohm shook his head, later I was being dragged by him.

Ohm's pov-

I dragged him in my room because outside everyone was looking at me and Nanon and the guy suddenly decided to kiss me and I won't lose this chance.

Nanon was sobbing but I made him sat on bed I rubbed my temple already feeling done with this omega. Stop crying Nanon you're irritating my ears. I said to him but he again stood up and walked towards me. Then kiss me and made me feel like I'm loved by someone for a while he said like he is dying to get loved by someone. But you know what once we will kiss I won't able to control myself and we will end up fucking each others. I said with blank face.

I thought he will back off but he grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards him I'm ready fuck me then. He whispered and a evil smile appears on my face. I grabbed his waist pulling him closer to me. I pressed my lips on his and kissed him softly but he held my neck and pulled me more close I couldn't take it and kissed him passionately.


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