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ohm's pov-

as I stopped my car in front of nanon's house, my mom got off and I did as well. but my eyes glanced at a car which was parked in front of the house windwo. the car looked familiar and then I realized its p'dews car. my mom saw it too I clinched my jaw and walked inside.

ohm- mom called my name but I did not listen her as mrs kirdpan come out from kitchen, she saw ME she gulped down I felt furious I walked near nanon's bed room but I stopped when I heard p'dew talking.  if you think ohm can't take care of you and your child I can take the responsibility only if you trust m- and that's enough to makes my blood boil in anger. I dashed inside the room with a glare.

no need to do that because I'm here. as I said I glared at p'dew. he looked at me and glared too like I'm really gonna scare of him. I glanced at the hand which was holding on nanon I walked towards them and pulled Nanon towards me. there is no way I'm letting you have any responsibility for nanon and my baby, better stay away p'dew I said with deep voice.

p'dew stood up walked closer to me. trust me ohm, I can take care of nanon and the child very well you're still immature p'dew said and I clinched my jaw more. you know what? I don't give a fuck about your opinion I replied with a smirk then glanced at nanon. I'm taking nanon with Me because I don't believe on my cousin brother I'm sure he will still wants to be near my pregnant omega I said and last time look at p'dew.

stop being insane ohm p'dew said and I chuckled. yes I'm insane when its about my omega I said as I faced nanon you're gonna live with me now I announced as I dragged Nanon with me ohm! Nanon called my name and I stopped. what? do you want to be with him now? I asked while pointing at p'dew. Nanon said nothing and just look at me. and I continue to take him with me.

I open the car door and let him sat inside even though he don't wanted. I also got inside as well and drove off the car.

Nanon's pov-

here again I got forced. he was behaving so good but now he is again behaving like beast. I wanted to argue with him I don't want to go with him but the way he asked if I want to be with p'dew I couldn't say anything. I'm sure mom was worried but she is afraid of ohm that's why she didn't said anything.

I was feeling really weak and my mom said it's because my alpha is not near me. I thought I will bear the pain rather than be with ohm. but here he is taking me with him because after whatever he saw. I know alphas are possessive but ohm is something else he is a evil Monster whenever he is angry. no wonder why his own mom scared of him.

ohm didn't left his eyes from the road. his jaw is still clinched. his face is so serious if I speak I'm sure I will be dead body. I sighed and look out from the window.


I felt i was being carried. wait I was in car right? with ohm? I immediately open my eyes and saw myself in ohm's arms. he is walking through the Lobby while carrying me. I look around and I can see everything dark, I Mean it's looks like a mansion and the walls are all black. just then we enter in a big ass bed room. you woke up. ohm said and I look up at him.

he places me on bed and I felt cold here. it's cold here right? ohm asked being soft and I nodded without looking at him. just then he walked and I hear something like click sound I look up and saw a heater is on. I will bring you the food ohm said and walked out from the room. I stood and went towards the big glass wall. it's seems likes we are in forest. no Wonder why so cold here.

have this! I heard the voice, and turn and saw ohm with a food tray He placed the food on table and glanced at me. you forced me again ohm I said but he totally ignored. have the food he replied and sat down on bed taking out his mobile. you don't care at all right? you was acting all this time? I asked and he still ignored I felt frustrated and walked towards him and stand in front of him. I'm talking with you ohm pawat! I said while pointing at him.

he sigh and finally look at me look I didn't wanted to force you, I was just angry He said and I scoffed Angry? OR you was jealous? I asked folding my hands on my chest. but I received a glare from him. don't test my patience nanon I'm trying to be good with you. he says with serious face. oh come on you don't need to be, because I know how asshole you're I said it and god knows from where I'm getting this courage to say this on his face.

maybe it's my mood swings getting burst out. I never used such a words towards anyone. ohm stood up being too closer to my face. watch your mouth or I don't mind to shut it with my lips ohm said with smirk I immediately step back and turn around facing my back to him.

but I felt the hand's wrapped around my waist. ohm places his chin on my shoulder my omega is having mood swings right? ohm asked but I got goosebumps I struggle to escape from him. leave me! I said. never...he whispered and I felt the ticklish in my chest. you have to deal with me everyday now so try be soft with me Wífêy! when ohm said that I immediately faces him. w-what wífêy? I said because that was making my stomach feel butterflies inside.

ohm leaned closer what? did I make you flutter? he asked and I blinked my eyes many times as I look away. not at all and don't call me that  I said but Heard the chuckle. you like it I know ohm said with a mocking Smile on his face. i-i don't like i-it I replied. then why you're stuttering he asked looking deep into my eyes.

I gave up and went towards bed and sat down I grab the food tray and started to stuff my mouth. totally avoiding him. I heard him laughing so I snapped my head towards him. DON'T LAUGH PAWAT I said and he immediately stopped.

the mansion view 👇

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imagine the mansion is like that

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imagine the mansion is like that....

to be continued....

maybe the good journey is about to start...... please do more votes and follow for more chapters..........

MADLY OBSESSED.OHMNANON (WEREWOLF AU) Where stories live. Discover now