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Nanon's pov-

After 2 hours

Here prim told me that mark behaving so different she even told me that mark yelled at her and asked to break up. Prim said she loves mark but mark doesn't want to be with her and it's been 2 hours prim is crying and I'm trying to comfort her even though I'm bad at comforting people.

Prim all students already left I think you should as well and take rest I said to her she wiped her tears and nodded finally I sigh of relief and smile at her. Good now let's go I said as I stood up as she also did. I'm leaving okay? I will see you tomorrow I said and lastly gave her gentle smile. As I about to leave but prim called me Nanon? She said and I looked at her. Yes? I asked.

She walked towards me and held my hand in her small one. I only looked at her confused she little smile at me and spoke. Thank you so much for listening me I was having no one to talk about this she said and I nodded with a smile. No worries I will be there for you I said and pat her head. I will leave bye! I said and she nodded waving her hand.

I left from the college garden as I saw almost all students left. When I reached in parking lot I saw ohm just left from there with full speed. The students who was walking they flinched because the way ohm drove his car. I sighed and walked out.


I come back home but as I enter a chill I felt in my body because of the coldness. I shut the big door and walked inside the living room. But I smell ohm's scent and stopped I look aside and saw ohm inside kitchen. I saw him facing the drawers he bend down and took out an wine. As he about to turn I immediately look away and start to walk upstairs.

But because everything is so silent around me I heard ohm's footsteps coming out from kitchen. I walked fast and reached near my bedroom and open the door and immediately get inside before I close my door I saw ohm was walking upstairs with a wine in his hand.

I lock my door and took long breath.  Ohm is someone who can makes me weak just by looking at him. I shook my head and went in bathroom to take shower. I strip down my clothes and enter in warm shower. I need to wait 3 months then later me or ohm will find mate but if non of us found our mate I'm scared I will never able to get over ohm.

It's so stupid I let myself fall for someone like ohm. I never hated ohm from our childhood in fact the 1st time we meet he was so nice but because he would always get compared to me ohm started to treat me badly. Later we went in Same highschool and there he started to bully me. I never told mom because I was afraid the relationship she was having with ohm's family it can get ruined.

Mom have been trusting on ohm's parents so much. As I know dad never liked mom because she wasn't educated. When she was pregnant with me my dad left my mom. At that time ohm's mom told me that mom was about to die. Because in pregnancy omegas needs their alpha with them to comfort them.

But still mom let me out in this earth. I sometimes think I should have been died than living life like this.

I come out from my thoughts when I heard something breaking. I get aware I wrapped the towel around my waist and went out from my room. I again heard something breaking again. I immediately dried my body with towel and wore whatever I saw first in closet. As I step out I saw the voice is coming out from ohm's room. It's beside mine so of course I can hear clearly.

I glanced inside his room and how his room is messed up the floor is dirty with wine and the glass is broken. I wanted to go inside but I'm ignoring him. With heavy heart I turn around to leave but before that ohm spoke. Are you having fun? He said but I did not understand him.

I faced him and saw his smirk I asked are you having fun? Ohm again asked I gulped what you're talking about? I asked and he chuckled he leaned back supporting on his arms and shook his head. What you did to calm down her? He said and while looking at the celin he looks psycho right now. Did you again hug her? Or you fucked her to comfort her huh? He said and at the last word he gritted his teeth.

I glared at him and I understand he is talking about prim I don't know what's wrong with you I shouldn't have come here to check on you I said with frustration. Whatever I want to have you right now ohm said and faced me I sighed no! I'm not in mood I replied but that didn't change his mind. I'm not caring about your mood you need to help me when I'm needy he said and I felt frustrated more.

No I won't let you touch me I said but later I received a deadly glare from him. He stood up and started to walk towards me I decided to leave before he forces me as I walked away but he used his wolf power and held my hand. Pulling me towards him. I said I'm not letting you touch me I said with glare but he chuckled. Like I care? He said with a smirk.

He throws me on his shoulder and walked towards the bed I punched on his back that hurts my fist but my punches didn't effect on him. Ohm put me down I said but instead he threw me on bed. I glared at him but he immediately hovered over me. I will make you moan my name and I'm going to touch your every part of your body he whispered deep looking into my eyes.

He pinned my both hands when I tried to push him he buried his face in my neck and started to suck the skin there. I burst into tears and tried to escape from him. Because ohm is powerful alpha my efforts are nothing in front of him. I felt the skin burning and I realized he is leaving the hickeys. I shut my eyes tightly not wanting to response on his touch.

He slipped his hands inside my shirt touching my bare skin like how he said he would touch my body. His touch effecting me and I hate it. I decided to ignore him but here I'm getting messed up.

I did not realize but he torn my shirt  he left wet kisses on my chest and stomach. He is getting aggressive with me. He pulled down my short and my breath hitched when I felt him touching my sensitive hole. Without any warning he pushed his fingers inside me making me wide my eyes.

He left my hands and I gripped on bed sheets. He started to thrust his fingers inside me and I gasped for air. Ohm please! I said to stop but he increased his speed. Tears left my eyes more. I was whole naked and ohm didn't even take his shirts off.

Later he stopped and I breathed heavily I heard the zip voice and my legs were held by him. He pushed himself in one thrust I yelp in pain. But the bad thing I realized he wasn't wearing the condom I held on his shoulder but he is continuing hitting inside me. O-ohm you - I tried to speak but couldn't. Ohm thrusts harder and faster. Fuck why you feel so good ohm whispered while pounding.

My eyes rolled in pleasure. And I already reached my climax. Ohm held on my nape and kissed me passionately. I'm sure he sees my tears. Later I felt something filling up inside me. Ohm groaned and I realized he just released himself inside me. I burst into tears more. Ohm pulled out himself and I sobbed so much. W-why do you even care if I'm with prim? I finally asked.

Ohm held on my throat and leaned closer to my face. Because I'm fucking obsessed with you he whispered and look into deep my eyes. And I don't care what you feel or gets upset with me but you're mine till I'm having you ohm said and went in bathroom before kissing my lips softly.

As he shut the door I face palm myself and cried out. So he is just obsessed with me but the worst thing he whatever he did right now I'm scared of future. And all I need to stay away from ohm at any cost.

To be continued....

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