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Ohm's pov-

it's kinda routine now if I'm in living room Nanon would leave if I'm in my bedroom Nanon would stay in living room. This omega have been ignoring me really badly.
He would cook both dinner and breakfast but as usual he won't eat with me. I tried to talk with him but everytime I tried to talk he would make excuses or just won't reply me.

That night I behaved like a beast I know but I wasn't in my senses. I felt really frustrated thinking him with someone else. But Nanon ignoring me making me more mad in college he walk past by me like I'm not beside him, we are living in same house but it's feels like nobody is here expect me. I'm in my bedroom getting ready to pick up my parents. Yes today mom dad and Mrs kirdpan coming back from Japan.

I wore my watch and walked out from the room. I glanced at Nanon's bedroom but he already left before me I sighed and left the mansion.


As expected Nanon is there waiting for his mom. I sighed and walked towards him. Nanon i- before I speak he immediately spoke. Mom! He called his mom and walked away immediately I look at the direction and saw our parents coming outside. As I saw my dad smiling at me I gave him a little smile and walked towards him.

Dad come and hugged me but my eyes glanced at Nanon the way he hugged his mom like he needed that most. I patted dad's back and then hug my mom. Oh my God ohm I missed you mom said and I smiled at her.

Aww Nanon I'm here don't cry now Mrs kirdpan said and I snapped my head towards Nanon and saw his side profile but I can see his tears meanwhile Mrs kirdpan have cupped his cheeks wiping away his tears. Aww Nanon missed his mom so much my mom said walking towards him and pat his back comforting him.

Okay okay let's go back home guys dad said and I look away from Nanon.

Mr chittsawangdee I'm going back to my home with my son Mrs kirdpan said and dad nodded okay Mrs kirdpan go safely dad said and they left the taxi was already there I saw Nanon getting inside the taxi and left. I felt heavy on my chest. I blinked my eyes and sighed as Me and my parents also left.


When I come back home I felt odd I directly ran to Nanon's room as I enter in I saw all his stuff wasn't there means Nanon actually left the Manson. But why I felt heavy on my chest. It's feels like he left me forever. But isn't it true he left me. His ignoring already made me mad and now he left without informing.

I left breath and left the room because it will makes me more anxious.

Nanon's pov-

When me and mom come back home she kept asking me why I looks so thin and pale I said I missed her so much which wasn't lie though I needed her besides me.

Nanon go in your bedroom I will clean the living room she said and I nodded because I felt little headache. As I enter in my room I laid down on my bed. I'm feeling really weak nowadays. I'm not able to have my meals properly. And I'm scared what if am? No no it should not happen. I still haven't visited hospital because I'm not having courage to talk with Dr what I will tell them that I let my classmate fucks me and now I'm having doubts to be pregnant by him.

Of course I can not tell them but if I won't do anything it will be late. I sighed and sat up but I felt like to vomit the throat hurts felt itchy I ran towards the bathroom and throw up continuing. As I stopped throwing up I fell on my knees my eyes were half closed my back leaned on wall.

No I need to visit hospital now I whispered and stood up slowly I washed my face I wiped my mouth with towel and went outside as I saw my mom in my bedroom as she saw me and smiled brightly. Non I want to talk about something please come here she tapped on bed beside her with confuse I walked towards her and sat beside her she cupped my cheek and spoke.

Nanon i found someone for you she said making me more confused what you're talking about mom? I asked as she left my cheeks and held on my hands. Nanon you know my age is getting old day by day I can't be always with you forever and I want someone who can take care of my child and there is someone I know who can take care of you very well.

She said and then took long breath I want you to get married Nanon she said making me shocked mom what you're saying I can't do that I'm only 19 I said and she nodded. Nanon please listen me I don't want my omega son to suffer in future because I don't know which kind of mate you will find I'm scared she said and I understand her but I can't just get married with someone.

Mom listen I'm not ready for any marriage please try to understand I said as she looked hurt non at least meet him please she said with hopeful eyes and this eyes Always makes me to give up I sighed and look away. Mom only for you I will meet him but I can't say about marriage okay? I said and she immediately nodded.

She gave me her little smile and hugged me I always wanted my son to marry with a well mannered alpha and I'm sure the one I choose for you he is right I know him very well she said and I listened her but I again felt weird in my chest mom broke the hug and caress my hair m-mom chimon called me I think it's important I'm going for now okay? I said as she nodded.

I stood up and walked out from the house. I grab the taxi and headed to hospital.

          To be continued.            

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