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Ohm's pov-

My mind was messed up. But all I know Nanon is pregnant by me because whenever I inhaled his smell he would smell like me or his own scent. I never smelled another alpha on him. Why am I behaving like this. I wasn't this worried when the stripper girl told me she was pregnant, I wasn't even serious about it but about Nanon I want to see my omega. My wolf wants to be with Nanon's wolf.

Before I enter in my car I heard someone yelled my name I stop and turn around and saw chimon walking towards me with serious face. As he reached near me and held onto my collar. Why you want to meet Nanon? Is he pregnant by you? Chimon asked I yanked away his hand and glared at him. Yes he is so what? I said and he was about to walk towards me but Perth held him back.

How dare you? Was nanon forced about it? Chimon asked and I decided to ignore ohm! Nanon is getting engaged with p'dew do you even know that? Whatever chimon said made me stiff and I couldn't believe what he just said. Are you kidding with me or what? P'dew didn't told me about this. I said as chimon shook his head.

Because himself p'dew also don't know. Nanon's mom told me about this because she wanted Me to join in that small engagement chimon said with heavy voice.

Did nanon know about it ? I asked as chimon shook his head I think he understands me after seeing my face of course I'm here panicked and fear of loosing nanon.

I-i need go then I whisper but chimon held my hand why you want to go? let p'dew be with Nanon I'm sure he will take care of my friend very well as chimon said my eyes glowing red after long time as I about to held chimon but Perth pulled back chimon behind him ohm calm down I think you should not go there Perth said but I'm not going to listen them.

there is no way I'm letting him be with someone else I said and get inside my car and left.

Nanon's pov-

I'm in my bedroom mom asked me to wear a suit but im feeling really weak so I just wore a baby pink sweatshirt and jeans. I'm worried dr jimmy still haven't called me for my report. I signed and then I heard a knock on my door I stood up and opened the door and saw my mom with bright smile. son they're here let's go outside mom said and I nodded as I walked out with her. I felt nervous.

my eyes are looking down but then someone called my name Nanon? I hear the whispers and look up and saw p'dew who looks shocked as me. p'dew? I said as he gave me a really calm smile. you both know each others? I glanced at the person who ever Just spoke but i saw ohm's parents are here I didn't notice them. is p'dew with whom I had to meet yes uncle I know him already p'dew said and I nodded with a little smile.

why you're standing there come here nanon! ohm's mom said with her sweet smile mom patted my back and I walked towards her as i sat besides her. nanon I'm sure your mom told you about this marriage right? ohm's mom asked and I nodded great! so dew, Nanon is the boy me and your uncles want him to marry you she said but my heart beat gets faster. kids we parents found you both a perfect match for each others ohm's dad said and I glanced at p'dew who is already staring at me.

I immediately look away when p'dew spoke uncle and aunt before you make any decisions I want to talk with Nanon personally p'dew said sure my boy go ahead we will wait ohm's dad said nanon please come with me p'dew said and immediately nodded as I stood up and lead him towards my room.

as we enter in room p'dew immediately spoke did you already knew that it was me with whom you have to meet? I shook my head no I didn't knew I replied as p'dew laughed damn I also didn't knew that it was you but honestly I am speaking  Just because it's you I would like to Marry with you but still I wanna know if you also want to Marry me because I don't want to force you p'dew said.

I gave him my dimple smile even though I love someone else but ohm is obsessed with me I need someone who can take care of me it's not about force p'dew I actually see you as a good person and i-i don't have any problems if I have to Marry you I said as p'dew smile brightly. he walked towards me and held my both hands in his nanon.... do you really want to be with me? p'dew asked but before i say something we heard a yell from outside. me and p'dew glanced at each others then walked out from the room.

when I went out i meet a furious and scary ohm who looks like if someone touches him he will eat them alive. as we both looked at each others and the look he gave me sends chills through my soul. dad what's going on here? ohm asked with his serous voice. son what happened why you looks so angry? ohm's dad asked but ohm wasn't focused on his dad but only looking at me.

ohm wh- before p'dew say something ohm point towards him you! you better stay away from Nanon ohm said with his deep voice as he walked towards me but p'dew stand in front of me ohm! what the hell is your problem? p'dew asked my problem is that I won't let anyone be with nanon ohm said and I knew if he get to know he will behave like this. OHM! What you're even saying? ohm's dad yelled at ohm.

I'm saying that nanon is pregnant by me and he can not marry with someone else so stop this engagement ohm said which makes me shocked did he already knows but how? ohm! stop with your nonsense ohm's mom said but ohm chuckle you don't believe me ohm said and walked towards his mom see this report it's from dr jimmy and the report says Nanon is pregnant ohm says then glaces at ME.

o-ohm when did this have and why the hell I just got to know? was you both dating each others when we left Thailand? ohm's mom asked and my eyes filled with tears and I look down because I knew mom is looking at me I'm sure she is trying to ask me about it.

I don't know about anything but Nanon is mine I'm taking him with me ohm said and walked towards me he held my hand tightly and about to walk away but before that someone held my hand and I saw its p'dew with serious expression. ohm! if nanon was someone else I would have let him go for you but! it's Nanon to whom everyone wants and I want him too even though he is pregnant by you I'm ready to accept him.........

to be continued...

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