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it's an afternoon, and I'm craving something to eat sweet. as I stood up to go downstairs but my eyes glanced on mirror and I stopped immediately. I walked towards the mirror and make a pout. well I want to see my Belly if it's little come out. I pressed my lips together and flip up my T-shirt and the belly is little out making me smile.

I rubbed my Belly gently and glanced down. papa is so excited to see you baby I said while smiling, but then I heard footsteps coming towards my room I immediately put down the hem of T-shirt and stand properly, just then the maid named april, oh yeah we have 2 maids and this one is always around ohm, and I kinda gets jealous of her, because she always look at ohm and and talks to him in really fake sweet voice.

as she enter and behind her ohm also showed up. ohm walked towards me. nanon I have to go back to City for few works and I Will be back in midnight till April will take care of you and whatever you need just tell her she will be here with you all time ohm said and I furrowed my eyebrows just then, ohm pats my head and said. I will be back quick okay? he asked and I nodded with a smile. ohm kissed my forehead and ruffles my hair and left from the room.

as he left april spoke do you need anything sir? she asked and I shook my head. not now you can go if I need anything I will call you and yeah send tu to my room I said as she nodded and left. I sat on my bed then after few minutes tu enter in my room. she smiled brightly and walked towards me, she is such a sweet girl I have ever meet. what's happened to my dimps she said and i giggle we have become so close I told her to not call me sir, but only when we two are alone, its tu said that she will call me dimps whenever only we both are alone because she knows ohm is possessive one.

well I'm going to be bored so can you bring me any novel books? I asked and she nodded give me a minute I will be back she said with a soft smile and left from my room. I leaned back on the headboard and then tu come back with few books in her hands. this all are super good you should read she said while handing me the books, I grab them and placed on my lap. thank you tu, I'm gonna read them I replied and she nodded. but don't try to finish today, you know you have to take rest and after 30 minutes I'll be back to check on you, she said having her one hand on her hips and one hand using while talking. okay okay mom I will listen you I said as we both giggles.

okay then I'm going to prepare dinner I will see u later tu said and I nodded she left the room. and I gets comfortable on bed and open the novel to read.


while driving my car I finally reached in Bangkok city. I parked my car in front of my mansion. as I get off I walked inside when I enter in I saw mom coming downstairs, she noticed me as she walked fast towards me. ohm! mom called my name and hugged me tightly, I smiled when mom broke the hug. my are you and where is nanon? she asked being worried.

don't worry nanon is fine... I replied and she looked relax now, but then someone also walked towards me and it's mrs kirdpan her eyes showing the worries. o-ohm! where is nanon? how is he? he is still fighting with you? she asked and I softly smile at her and went towards her I held her shoulder and spoke. don't worry aunty, nanon is totally fine and I'm taking good care of him. I said, why you didn't bring him with you? is he alone there? she asked and I shook my head.

nope! he is not alone there we have two maids and nurse also, and if I bring nanon here I'm sure  he won't come back with me and I don't want nanon to be here I said and she nodded slowly. as I glaces at mom where is dad? he wanted to talk with me? I asked as dad was the one who asked me to come back Bangkok. he is getting ready wait he might come now mom said and I nodded.

why don't you have food till mrs kirdpan said and I shook my head and smiled. no I'm not hungry I said as dad showed up. oh! you're here.... dad said as he walked towards me thankfully you're here early dad said while wearing his hand watch. what you wanted to say dad? I asked and  dad looked at me with a smile. I will tell you everything let's go to my office First. he said honey have breakfast first? mom said but dad shook his head.

I will have in office we might be late for meeting dad said and I got confused, let's go son dad said and I followed him. as we both got in his car and dad sat on his driver seat and I sat on next seat beside him. as dad drove off. so...basically I have decided that after me you're gonna be ceo of our company, I never asked you to work because I wanted you to enjoy your life but..... now you're going to have your own child and I want my grand baby to live a peaceful life and for that you have to work. we alphas needs to protect our omegas at any cost and I hope you're serous about your omega and your said while looking on road.

I'm serious about my child and omega dad and I know I have to take their responsibility, I replied as dad nodded. I'm glad to know that you're ready to take responsibility because I saw my son always plays around and I was worried about nanon too, he said as sigh. I know for now you have to take care of your omega and the baby but before that I want to announce everyone that you're gonna be the ceo and for being ceo you have to work to learn the company responsibility

and for this I held the meeting today don't worry you don't have to work right way I will give you time till nanon give birth to the baby and then you will join the company and work so...everything is clear? dad asked and I nodded, he glanced at me and smiled. I know whatever dad said was totaled right and this is my life where I need to be serious about everything. and I also want my child to have a good life and for my child and for my omega I'm ready to take this responsibility and work for them....

to be continued....

once a man have his family he will automatically start to work hard and take the responsibility.....

MADLY OBSESSED.OHMNANON (WEREWOLF AU) Where stories live. Discover now