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Nanon's pov-

After whatever Perth said I walked towards them. Perth glanced at me then at chimon. She can might lie chimon said whatever I wanted to say. At first I also said to her but she showed pregnancy report. Perth said taking out a paper which was folded. Ohm gave me this Perth said and chimon grab the report paper and unfold he saw the girl whoever it was she is pregnant.

And there my heart squeezed my knees already gets weak. What did ohm said then? Chimon asked with low voice. I don't know they both are talking in room Perth said taking back the report.

Ohm's pov-

Stop fooling me I know you're not pregnant by Me I said with frustration to the girl her name is Dela she used to call herself my girlfriend but in reality I never accepted her as gf because she was a stripper. Even though I used to had her everyday I never get any feelings for her.

But in strip club she told everyone that I'm her boyfriend because I'm powerfull around here she used my name for her own good. But I knew from the start she wasn't a nice person.

Staying in strip club means she was having many men's. And now she is pregnant and taking my name saying she is pregnant by me and I was careful while having her because I used condoms everytime.

She is doing fake drama in front of me. since the day I was having Nanon I stopped coming here because I felt no need to be here. And I'm sure dela was with someone new who got her pregnant but that man might left her.

I'm not lying I even showed you the proof Dela said making my ears irritated. I glared at her and held her throat. Slamming her on wall. Do you take me that easily what you think that I don't know anything about you fucking other men's and now you got pregnant by a random man and he left you so you're using me again? I said and gripped on her throat.

She shook her head and I left her neck I rubbed my temple and look at her. We will get to know if you're pregnant by me come with me I said and grab her hand dragging her out.

There is no way I'm gonna let her play with me.

Author's pov-

Nanon felt anxious Perth and chimon were talking but Nanon's mind was messed up. But his nostrils hits the spicy wood smell and he recognized it's ohm. Nanon snapped his head towards that direction. But he saw ohm dragging out the girl with him. Ohm didn't saw chimon or Perth he dragged the girl out.

But Nanon's eyes showed the hurtful feelings he didn't move away his eyes from ohm. Nanon felt his throat hurts Nanon? Chimon called Nanon after he saw Nanon looked different. Nanon didn't face chimon but spoke. I-i will go back home Nanon said but chimon held his hand no wait I will drop you don't go alone chimon said and Nanon nodded his head slowly.

And you go and see your friend he just left with a girl chimon said and Perth nodded and left. Later both chimon and Nanon left from the strip club.


At midnight

Ohm was back at home when he finally proved the girl that she wasn't pregnant by him because ohm did DNA test which shows the proof. At end the girl told truth to ohm and somehow he escaped and come back home.

Ohm walked upstairs and knocked on Nanon's door because he wanted to see Nanon. Nanon are you still up? Ohm asked standing near the door. Meanwhile Nanon who's eyes are puffy and red he sniffed when he heard the knocking and ohm calling him. But Nanon again left the tears but did not move from the bed. He squeezed the blanket in his fist as ohm again knocked on door.

But later ohm get no response so he thought Nanon is sleeping he left from the there. Nanon were crying when he come back home he wasn't this hurts when he saw prim kissing mark. But this time Nanon felt really heartbroken.

And he decided to ignore ohm.

Ohm's pov-

When I woke up I immediately got ready for the college. As I went downstairs excepting to see Nanon in kitchen or dinning table. But when I went near the table I saw my breakfast there but Nanon wasn't. I put down my bag on chair and went in kitchen to see if he is there but no he wasn't there too.

With Confuse face I went back to dinning table I sat down in front of my breakfast as my phone rang. It' was actually a notification I took my mobile and saw it's text from Nanon saying he already left from mansion. I felt odd because Nanon would always have his breakfast with me. I avoid this thing and started to have my breakfast.

Nanon's pov-

Nanon why you looks so pale today? Was you crying whole night? Phuwin asked me 5th time since I enter in college. I regret coming here. But I checked my face before leaving the room I wasn't looking that pale. It's indeed I was crying whole night but I'm not gonna tell them I was crying for a man who doesn't care about me at all.

I sighed and faced phuwin from whom I was hiding my face. Phuwin I'm saying because I did not slept last night that's why I'm looking pale I replied him but chimon raised his eyebrows. And why you did not slept whole night? Did ohm hurt you last night? Chimon asked and I gulped down but shook my head. We came from campus then later you took me to that strip club but later I felt sick that's why I was not able to sleep I lied and chimon look away.

But phuwin made wide eyes and looked at chimon. Strip club what? Phuwin asked and chimon told him everything. Phuwin mad shocked face with dissapointed. My God ohm is an really asshole phuwin said and he is right though how could he made a girl pregnant. This piss me off so much.

Okay let it go and yeah Nanon prim was asking about you she meet me at the college gate and was searching for you. Chimon said taking a bit of his sandwich. I nodded my head but then I realized I have class in 5 minutes my eyes get wide and I stood up grabbing my bag. Guys I have lecture in 5 minutes bye I said and walked out from the canteen.

As I was walking through the hallway and went towards my locker to grab my note book as I grab my book and shut the locker and turn around but saw prim standing behind me with nervous face. Oh prim? You're here I said as she smiled yeah I'm here to return your economic notebook she said showing the notebook I smile and take my book. Oh thank you prim! I said and she looked again nervous.

Prim are you okay? I asked looked at her face but she finally showed her upset face. You asked me what happened between me and Mark she said and I nodded. I-i will tell you right now she said looking down. I felt bad for her she is really kind girl and I dunno what mark did. Even though I never talked with him and meet personally.

But then I smell the familiar scent. The spicy wood as I snapped my head towards that direction and there I saw ohm staring at me from away and his hands are inside his pockets looking at me with his fierce eyes. Piercing through my soul.

But God knows what happened with me I smirked and faced prim. I placed my hand on her shoulder and said. It's OK prim I'm always here for you I will listen you I said but to my shock prim hugged because she is crying now. My eyes almost get wide but I did not let it happen.

Meanwhile I saw ohm still standing there not even taking away his eyes from me. I knew you will understand me Nanon prim said but I gently broke the hug it's OK we should go out and talk okay? I asked as she nodded. I glanced at ohm then walked out with prim.

To be continued

I'm sorry for late update but honestly I was little disturbed from this past two days. And I'm so sad about OHMNANON's current situation, Nanon is getting hate because he did not reposted ohm's ig story but I hope everything gets well between this two. God I love OHMNANON so much please pray that they both get along like before...


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