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Ohm's pov-

I was packing my bag because we all students have to leave for Bangkok it's an already 5pm in evening before it's get dark we need to leave the forest.

Are you in case falling for Nanon? Pond who is in tent with me asked suddenly. I snapped my head towards his direction and saw him holding on the pictures my eyes got wide I immediately checked my pocket then realized it's not there. What the hell you're doing with those pictures? I asked him and he smirked at me.

Honestly you both looks good together and who's baby is that? Pond asked I stretched my hands towards him and snatched the photos from his hand. The picture is mine and Nanon's while Nanon is holding on the baby. It was me who asked for the pictures to that lady.

Since that time I kept the picture with me but God knows how did pond found them. I sighed and stared at the picture I felt a wired feeling whenever I see this picture.

Why don't you say if you love Nanon? Pond again asked and I glared at him I don't love him what nonsense I said and pull up the bag on my shoulder and left from the tent.

After few minutes All students gets inside the bus and we left from the forest area.


Nanon's pov-

It's an already night we reached in Bangkok as all students getting out from the bus. As I about to walk towards ohm but before that someone held my hand I turn around and saw prim looking at me.

With confuse eyes I faced her what happened? I asked as she little come close to me. Nanon can you please drop me at my place she said but I don't have car with me because the day we had to leave for campus it was ohm who took me with him here. Actually prim i-

He don't have car he is going with me chimon said coming from behind me and I confusedly look at him. Huh? I said and he nodded. Well ohm and Perth going somewhere so I'm gonna drop you at your place. Chimon replied and I look around to see ohm and there I was him getting inside the car and they left.

Well I'm going to drop phuwin too if you want I will drop prim too chimon said and smiled at prim.
I nodded as we 4 get inside chimon's car. Phuwin sat next to chimon and on passenger seat Me and prim sat.

As the car drove off it's an already night and the cold air bringing goosebumps over my arms. But I saw a soft scarf getting on my arms I glanced at prim who just placed the scarf. She smiled and spoke. You might catch cold she said and I softly smile at her she is so kind heart girl and that's why I loved her so much.

But then she look away at the window. I held her hand and spoke prim you can tell me if something is bothering you I asked as she faced me with a sad smile. I know you saw me and Mark arguing but I will tell you everything later for now I'm just not in mood. She said and I understand I removed my hand from her.

Few minutes later chimon dropped prim at her place she waved and went inside her house. And then phuwin turn to see me as chimon start driving again. What you both was talking about? Phuwin asked nothing she looked upset so I just asked her what happened I replied and phuwin nodded seating properly.

Then what she said? I heard mark and prim had arguments? Chimon asked while driving. She did not said anything I said as he nodded his head.

Later phuwin get off from car as we reached at his place. See you tomorrow guys bye phuwin said and walked away. I get on phuwin's seat and sat next to chimon. But he was looking in his mobile. Come on let's just go I said leaning back on seat.

The fuck Perth doing at strip club chimon said with anger voice and I sat straight and looked at him confused. What did you said? I asked and he showed his phone screen. Perth is at strip club what the hell he is doing there. Chimon again said while gritting his teeth.

Wait are you tracking him Mon? I asked and he look at Me blankly and nodded. Both ohm and Perth was talking about something Perth would tell me anything but when I asked him what happened he didn't told me anything because his location is always on I decided to see where he is going with ohm! Chimon said almost yelling.

I swear to God if ohm took my boy at that strip club I'm gonna chop off his head. Chimon said and immediately started to drive. Chimon calm down please I said but he speed up the car. Look boy I'm so possessive for my man if he is at strip club then for what I want to know chimon said and his eyes wasn't leaving the road.

I sighed and let him drive. I just wanna see by my eyes what they are doing there. Chimon again said and poked his cheek. He looks hella scary in anger.

Within 15 minutes we was in front of the strip club the music can he heard from outside too. Chimon get off from the car and already started to walk inside. I immediately got off from the car and followed him. Chimon what you're doing I said while walking behind him but he wasn't listening me.

As we enter in Club the music is loud as hell and on the stage there are naked women's showing off their boob's. I immediately look away and almost felt like to vomit.
Chimon might didn't saw them that's why he is keep walking inside.

I followed him and almost dumped on a man. Sorry sorry I said but he held on my hand with wide eyes I look at him he is half naked. I harshly pulled away me hand. What the hell stay away from me I yelled at him and turn around to see chimon.

I saw him standing near the bar counter calling someone it must be Perth. I ran towards him and stand beside him. Chimon you're acting insane calm down the hell I again said and he glared at me. You won't understand me till you get boyfriend he said and looked around.

I stayed silent but my heart is beating too in fear I'm also feeling bothered that what ohm is doing here too. My heart already getting bad feelings because I know ohm used to come strip club for his desire so it means he is here for..... Ohhhhhh Nanon stop thinking too much but what I can think when we are at such a place.

PERTH!! Chimon almost yelled taking me out from my thoughts. As I saw him glaring at somewhere I followed his gaze and saw Perth walking towards chimon but chimon walked towards him with anger. What the hell you're doing here? Chimon asked Perth who looks scared to chimon.

Chimon how you know I'm here Perth asked shut up will you answer me why your here huh? Chimon again asked Perth tried to hold chimon but he yanked Away his hands. Chimon calm down please I'm not here for what you're thinking Perth said but chimon still glaring at him.

Then for what to see those naked woman? Chimon said and pointed towards the naked woman. For God sake listen me first chimon Perth held chimon this time and chimon some how not pushing away Perth.

Listen I'm here for ohm there is something happens between ohm and his ex girlfriend when Perth said that my mind went blank what happened? Chimon asked the girl is worker of strip club but ohm used to have her everyday b-but now she is saying she is pregnant by o-ohm.


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