Chapter 2 3 Days Of Beatings

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A/n: This chapter is going to be four days! I know, that's a long time, 96 hours. Poor Katie! What am I going to do with her? Read and find out! I do not own the PJO/HOO book series. They belong to Rick Riordan.

Katie's POV: After I woke up, I quickly got dressed and went downstairs as quietly as I could. No one else was awake. That's good. But I still have 4 more days until Saturday. Then, I can go home. But I'm going to have to last them if I want to be a year rounder from now on. Bring it on.

I quickly made my "dad's" favorite breakfast and got my iDemigod phone Leo made everyone at camp and wallet full of drachmas and American money and left. I went to the store to get pain killers for my "dad" and stepmom. I doubt that they're going to take them and keep drinking. Oh well. Time to go home and face Hell.

At "Home"

"Where were you bitch? You are supposed to make me some lunch!" Snap! There goes the whip. I hope nothing got broken. "For leaving, we are giving you a great beating!" Kick! Snap! Whack! Crunch! "You are a worthless bitch! You are not good enough! I know all about your cutting! You emo brat! You're never going to that camp again!" After one more whip, they dropped me and I ran upstairs to get cleaned up. I cried silently. Why me? I won't wish this upon anyone else, but why me? After that I passed out.

I woke up on my bed and the sun poured into my eyes. Thanks a lot Apollo. 'Your welcome a lot cousin!' Apollo said in my head. "Ugh!" I groaned and pulled myself out if bed. It was Wednesday! 3 more days. You can make it. As I changed quickly, I saw it was 7:45 at night! Wow, I slept a lot! I quietly went downstairs and got an apple and orange juice in a thermos. I then quickly went towards the stairs after I ate. I was almost to the stairs when the devil spoke. No, not Hades(though I do prefer him more), my "father". "Katie! If you ever do that again, we will kill you! That is a promise." Jonathan, my"dad's" real name, I'm gonna call him this now, told me getting Karisa in the scene at the same time. I whimpered. He got the whip and pushed me to my knees. Kick! Whap! Snap! Pop! Crunch! There goes my arm. I'll pop it back in later. "Bitch! Slut! Fat! Ugly! Waste of Space! I wish you were never born!" Funny, I wish I was never born too. After the beating, I went upstairs and got cleaned up again. I wanna go to camp now. Wow, I sound like a whiney child that always gets what they want. I hope there aren't any beatings tomorrow. That'll make my week. I just need to get through 2 more days. 2 more days until your Tartarus ends. Wait, I can't say Tartarus. Nico, Annabeth, and Percy have actually been there and went through more pain that I've been having here. No. It's going to be ok. I can make it, right? After questioning myself, I got on my bed and fell asleep.

"KATIE! WAKE THE HELL UP BITCH AND MAKE ME LUNCH BEFORE I GET UP THERE AND KILL YOU!" Jonathan yelled. I quickly got up and raced downstairs towards the kitchen, making sure to check the time. 2:30 p.m; not bad. I slept a good few hours. After making lunch, I put it in plates and walked it over to Jonathan and Karisa. I set the plates down and don't dare make eye contact. "Hm. This actually may be a a good meal. If not." He didn't finish the sentence and grabbed the whip. I silently whimpered in fear. I've been having nightmares. That whip is getting to me. Karisa used it before my da-, Jonathan, excuse me, used it, when I was smaller, when he still didn't know she abused me. That whip has been part if my life for a long time and it doesn't seem like it's gonna leave. "This tastes horrible! How do you eat this?!" Karisa exclaimed. "I agree honey. This shouldn't even be called food." Jonathan said, getting the whip. I put my head down, my dark chocolate brown haired bangs covering my forest pine green eyes. I went on my knees. "Good girl. If you scream, it's double the beating." I nodded. That's when it started again. "Bitch! Slut! Whore! Fat! Ugly! Waste Of Space!" He kept throwing out insults and whipping me. Karisa grabbed a high heel and stabbed me with it. I couldn't hold it in any longer. Not after holding it all week. I screamed. I screamed and cried while they just whipped, stabbed, punched, slapped, and kicked me harder. I didn't care if they killed me. I just wanted it to stop. After an hour and a half of torture, they let me free under one condition. "You do not come down all today and tomorrow and you stay in your room the whole time." I nodded pathetically and walked slowly up the stairs and to the bathroom. I got the first aid kit and cleaned up my wounds and the blood. "Hm. I can't do this anymore. I have to call Chiron and tell him my dad let me leave early to camp." I thought. After cleaning my wounds, I got my razor. WARNING! UP NEXT IS A TRIGGER! IF NOT COMFORTABLE I RECOMMEND THAT YOU DO NOT READ IT! THERE IS ALSO MENTION OF SUICIDE! One cut for being ugly. Another for being fat. A loser. Freak. Emo. Fake. Bitch. Slut. Attention Whore. And finally, the last one for not, for not being good enough. I'm not good enough. After a week at camp, I'm doing it. I'm gonna kill myself. After finally making up my mind and finishing cleaning up my fresh new cuts, I went to sleep, not calling Chiron.

After waking up, I saw it was 7:30 pm and got ready. I IMed Chiron as soon as I was ready. "Hi Chiron!" I said, faking my smile. I'm good at doing that. "Hello Katie. What happened to you? You have a black eye!" Chiron said worriedly. "It was another monster. It hit me in the eye so I put some ice on it." I said making up an excuse for the black eye Karisa gave me. "Anyways Chiron. I talked to my dad and he said I could leave early. But at 12:00 midnight tonight. That's the only time." I said. "Why that time?" Chiron asked. "So we could get to camp faster in the morning and get breakfast at camp. Plus, there is no traffic." I said. "Hm, yes, I supposed so. The Stolls shall pick you up at your house in Maine at 12:00. Be ready by then." Chiron said. I nodded, still smiling a fake smile. "Yes, thank you Chiron. Bye!" I said. "Bye child." After we finished the conversation, I looked out my window. Karisa and Jonathan both work until 6:30 in the morning tomorrow tonight so I had plenty of time to pack. I grabbed my suit case and stuffed all, and I literally mean all, of my clothes in it. I grabbed a small carry on and put my make-up(I barely wear any) in it. I charged my iDemigod phone to the max and turned it off to save battery. I got my charger and big headphones and put them in the carry on too. I connected my earbuds to my phone and put them in my purse along with my wallet. Then, I grabbed a lunch box that needs a password that only I know to put some food in it including the extra ambrosia and nectar. I put that in the carry on as well. After I finished packing, I got an apple and orange juice as food. I'm finally going to camp! But before I do, I'm gonna take a quick nap.
--------Time Skip 12:00 Midnight--------
BEEP! BEEP! I was asleep in my nap until I heard a car horn. I got up and looked at the clock. 12:00 Midnight. I looked out the window and saw the Stolls waving at me. I waved a small wave back. I opened the door and Travis followed me me. "I'm gonna get my stuff. I'll be right back." I called running upstairs. Travis followed me. "Here, let me help." Travis said getting my large suitcase. "No, you don't have to." I said, trying to get him to stop. "No, I insist." He said. He didn't wait for my answer and left my room, taking the large suitcase leaving me with the carry on and my purse. I sighed. "Well if you insist." I muttered to myself. I quickly went to the bathroom and grabbed my razor. I stuffed it in my purse and headed downstairs. Atleast they haven't seen me all bruised up yet. I thought, kinda happy. That was, until I went downstairs and found them in the kitchen, with the lights on, so they can see my face. Before they saw me, I put my head down. "C'mon guys. Let's go." I muttered, head still down. "What did you say Katie?" Connor asked. "That we should go." I said a bit louder. "What was that?" Travis asked, face looking confused. "That we should go idiots!" I yelled looking at them. Their faces changed from confusion to worry. "Katie, what happened to your eye?" Travis asked coming near me. I backed up. "It was a... um... monster?" I said but it sounded more like a question. "Katie, you should know better than to lie to master liars. Now what really happened?" Travis said, examining my eye. "It was a monster. A giant monster that I used to be close to but a lady monster changed his mind and she got him to attack me everyday. I never killed, it never killed me. That's it ok. It was just a horrible monster!" I said, tearing up a bit after my rant. I remembered when I called Jonathan a monster. (A/n: It was in the chapter before this one incase you forgot.) Travis jumped back an inch after my rant. "Ok then. Lets go." He said. I nodded and wiped away a tear. We left the house and I locked it. Good bye forever.

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