Chapter 15: Are We There Ye-SHUT UP!/I'm Tired, That's All

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A/n: ROAD TRIP YAY! As you know from the previous chapter, they're on their way to a Supernatural location in Oklahoma(Garber, Oklahoma to be specific)! And I chose this for two reasons:
1. Garber and Gardner :3
Onto the chapter!(There may be cursing ahead)
[Sis don't tell mom I know you read this don't be a snitch]
[Everyone else who is not my sister ignore that!]
[Hehe...golden snitch]

Katie's POV:

"Are we there yet?" Connor asked. It's been two hours of this road trip and this is the tenth time Connor has asked this. My iDemigod™ phone was charging and I had nothing to do but count how many times Connor has asked that damn question. I'd sleep, but I'm too restless.

"No, shut up." I hissed.

"That's not nice Katie." Connor pouted. I glared at him. Did I mention how annoyed I was? Because I'm very fucking annoyed.

'Kat, there's a cow! Look, another cow! And another!' Sammy said in my mind. He sounded like a little kid, but an adorable one so I can't complain.

"Katie." Miranda said.


"I asked you a question."

"Sorry, I spaced out, what was it?"

"I asked what you wanted from the gas station?"

I looked out the window and saw the Gas Station. It looked brand new, freshly painted mint green walls, a bright sign that glowed in the sunlight. The sign read Gas and Drive in white, bold lettering with a Broadway type of font. The doors to the small store were the regular push-pull glass ones with the plastic-metal around the glass, and black in color. There were three double sided gas pumps with the logo and black nozzles that the gas is pumped through.

"I'll go in there with you, I need to stretch my legs."

Connor put his seat down and I crawled out of the truck. Connor helped me get out and he, Miranda, Peter and I walked into the store part of the station.

It was colorful and bright inside like any other gas station. There was shelves full of candies and selections of other junk foods, a slushy machine with the regular flavors like Cherry and Blue-Raspberry, and a big fridge holding a variety of drinks. I got lots of snacks and drinks, paying for them with my (A/n: *cough*stolen*cough*) money. Connor got stuff for himself and Travis, Miranda got her snacks, and Peter too.

We walked back to the truck as soon as we purchased our goods. I looked around and sighed in relief when I saw the bathroom.

"I'll be right back." I called as I jogged over to it. I opened the cream colored door to the ladies' bathroom and walked in, wrinkling my nose in disgust. It smelled horrible. After locking the door, I walked towards the sink and looked at myself, frowning. A wave of negativity hit me, and my old scars burned, demanding attention, demanding more.

"I'm so tired of this." I sighed.

'Kat, what are you doing?' Sammy asked as I reached into my bag.

'I'm tired Sammy.' I told his as I pulled out the razor.

'Katie, please don't!'


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