Short Story 1: Let's Kill Katie!

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Yay! A short story of Fiore when they tried to see if she was immortal.


No One's POV:

"Are you sure about this?" Fiore asked her siblings.

"Positive! Now jump in." Fuegi pointed at the fire pit. 

Fiore frowned. "I'm not sure about this. What if I do die?"

"Well that's why cousin Ryku is here!" Wal pointed over at the male with brown hair and dark eyes that looked like black holes. He had large black wings on his back that looked like bat wings, or maybe dragon ones.

He nodded. "I'm the God of Death here. If you die, I can always return your body to your soul and cast a curse-a good one though!-that makes you immortal. I did it to a human once, one of those Roman children...uh, Leonardo DaVoeys or something."

"Leonardo DaVinci?!" Fiore shrieked.

"Yeah, I forgot why though. He's living in Italy still, doing stuff. I'm not sure what." Ryku shrugged. Fiore stared at him.

"Okay," she nodded, though hesitantly. "I'll go with it I guess."

"Great! Now jump in!" Fuegi smiled as he pushed her closer to his fire. Fiore sighed and jumped into the pit. She closed her eyes and waited for pain, but none came. She frowned as she grabbed a flame and held it in her hands before it diminished. Only the flower crown of black roses on her head got affected. Her clothes, which were woven by Everlasting Gold, the metal of the Sentries, and 100% cotton, which a very valuable fabric for the gods apparently. 

"Oh haha, very funny Fuegi. Fake fire. So hilarious." She mocked laughter as she looked up at her brother. Fuegi blinked, then raised an eyebrow.

"That's not fake fire." He told her.

Fiore dropped the snarky attitude and looked at him.

"Now you're just throwing me over the bridge." She scolded. They taught her their sayings when she first got there, and that one is the equivalent of the American 'Now you're just pulling my leg', something she thought was funny but weird.

"He's not joking around, Fiore." Ryku told her as she came out from the fire pit. "Those flowers on your crown burned off. They wouldn't have burned off if you were in fake fire."

"...I'm not convinced." Fiore said as she crossed her arms.

'I can't be immortal, I can't! If I am, I'll outgrow...' She gave her best confident look as they gave her dull ones. 'I can't let them know.'

"Fine, I'll have to use my method." Wal crossed her arms over her chest and she nodded for them to follow her.


"Jump in." Wal pointed at the lake far below. "If the fall doesn't kill you, neither will the water. When you're in, take a deep intake through your nose, and swim to shore. If you start drowning, I'll jump in and save you, then Ryku can put his curse. Deal?"

Fiore looked down the looming cliff and swallowed nervously. "Okay." 

Wal's face softened. "Hey, you'll be fine. You lived through Fuegi's fire, I'm sure you'll survive this. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay." She nodded.

Wal motioned towards the edge of the cliff and Fiore took a deep breath to calm her nerves, then jumped in.

The water was cold, but that's all that bothered her. She felt no pain when she entered it. Taking Wal's advice, she took in a breath. Her lungs filled with water, but she wasn't struggling. She released her breath as if she was breathing normally, and bubbles filled her vision, but she wasn't struggling. She smiled and started swimming towards the shore.

When she got out of the lake, wet but thrilled, she turned over to the cliff and saw them watching her. She cheered and jumped on the shore, doing a victory dance.

"STILL ALIVE!" She screamed at the people atop the cliff. She hoped her whoops got to them.

"GREAT JOB FIORE!" Ryku screamed from the top of the cliff. She thought her was giving her a thumbs up, but she couldn't tell.

She smiled, and punched the air. 'Immortality, huh? I can make this work.'

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