Chapter 22: Meet the Family, Katie!

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A/n: Eyyyyy! Wassup! So I'm back and with a new chappie! Hope you guys like it! Also I blame school. Also I am obsessed with Perfect by Ed Sheeran XD, so I put the piano ver. up there! Enjoy!
No One's POV:

When the rest returned home, Miranda was the first to bombard Katie with questions.

"What happened? What did he do? Katie is everything okay? Does it have to do with that necklace we rescued?" And so on and so forth.

"I'm fine now Miranda, I promise." Katie smiled.

Travis stood back and frowned. Now he could see it, how the smile looked fake and didn't quite reach her eyes. The others noticed too, but didn't question it. Katie walked towards her room, Miranda following, most likely to trap her into a conversation.

The three males stayed in the living room.

"Travis, did she talk to you?"

"Yeah." He nodded grimly.

"What did you talk about?"

"She just told me that she had another task to do and it overwhelmed her so she got a panic attack and ran off to calm down."

He and Katie made a cover story just incase this situation happened. After all, he promised Katie he wouldn't tell them what really went on, and he knew that if she found out he told them...well, he already told Connor he wanted  at his funeral.

"What is this task?" Peter asked.

"Finding the flower." Travis huffed.

"What?! I thought that old man had it already!" Connor stomped his foot childishly.

"Well now she has to look for it." Travis looked at the base of the staircase, frowning.

'I hope Katie is okay up there.' Travis thought.


"Miranda I'm okay now I promise. I just, I was given another task and I panicked and ran off. I'm sorry if I made you worried." Katie said for the umpteenth time.

"Are you sure?" Miranda tilted her head, she always did that when she wasn't sure about something herself.

"Yes." Katie smiled.

"Katie, I'm sorry I was mad about the whole ghost thing, it was wrong of me to-"

"I accept your apology Miranda, really I do." Katie took her sister's hands in hers. "Honestly, I would be sorta mad at me too-ah but Hades told me I couldn't tell you guys about S-Sam because it could cause bad consequences. If he pops up, pretend you don't know, yeah?"

"Of course Katie."

Katie and Miranda smiled at each other, and started hugging.

'You're doing great, chuckaboo!' Sammy said in Katie's mind, making her smile more.

"Wanna get food?" Miranda asked after a while.

The two released from their hug and laughed. "Food sounds great." Katie nodded.

---Time Skip---

Katie sat on her bed and sighed, throwing herself down into lying position.

'I'm so fucked.' She groaned.

'Now now chuckaboo, don't be such a downer!'

'Sammy, stahp. Admit it, I'm fucked. Travis, motherfucking Travis, knows my secret!'

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