Chapter 11: Don't Feed Spot Demigods!

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A/n: Yes, I know, kill me later. I'm a horrible person and I shall continue the note after the chapter. This is a birthday present to Sammy and Christmas gift for all of you!



---Katie's POV---

It's the night before the quest and I have the urge to puke. I'm sitting with Miranda on the desk chair next to her bunk.

'Katie,' I groaned at the disembodied voice, 'it's later. Can we talk now?'

'Sam, now is not the best-'

"Katie are you okay? You look a little pale." Miranda came over to me.

"I'm fine, just nervous."

"Someone else can take your pla-"

"No! I'll go, I'm fine."

"If you say so, but I think you should really go to bed now."

'I agree with her, Katie.'

"Yeah right." I snapped quietly.

"What?" Miranda seemed shocked.

"You're-You're right. I mean, I'm going to bed now." I said quickly, getting up.


"I'm fine Miranda, I'm just tired and cranky. That's all. I'll see you in the morning."

I got up quickly from the desk chair and walked into my room. I closed the door behind me and let out a deep breath.

"Sam, they think I'm crazy don't they?" I whispered.

'No way! They're just worried about you, that's all.' He manifested into his shadowy form in front of me. 'You really need to go to bed now, Kat.'

"You're right...wait, Kat?" I mumbled as I locked the door and made my way towards the bed.

'It's faster than Katie.' The shadow shrugged. I nodded dumbly, pulling up the covers but I was soon stopped by the shadow.

'I think you should put some pajamas on first though.'

I looked down to see I was still wearing the stuff from this morning and nodded.

"Good point."

I changed into something more suitable for sleeping in the bathroom while Sam waited in the room. I thought it was sweet.



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I walked back to my bed and climbed in. Sam stood there, watching me. Honestly, its creepy. How the hell did Bella find this romantic?

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