Chapter 5 Katie's Worst Nightmare

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A/n: Hello lovely fangirls and fanboys(I know you're out there chicos!) that read my book! I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I moved into a new city that I've been to a few times and I've been really busy 'cause I have to go to school. Yay!(note sarcasm) Please forgive me! *awkward silence* Ok. Now on with the story!
Katie's POV:
"Katie-kat! Wake up! I swear, if you don't wake up this instant I am going to throw water on you!" A voice said.

"Leave me alone Karisa. No school today." I said.

"I'm not a girl!" It said again.

"I always new you were a guy. You did look like one." I mumble.

"Its Travis!" The voice said. I woke up and saw Travis shaking my shoulders.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"It's 3:00 in the morning. We're at camp already. Lets go." He said. I sighed and got up. I looked around and saw the border to camp about 1/4 to 1/2 a mile away. I grabbed my carry on and my purse and started walking towards it. Travis and Connor were behind me, talking about a prank. I rolled my eyes at them and continued walking.

"Katie!" A voice said. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Katie! Why did you run away again?!" Karisa's voice rang out. Thats right. I ran away when I was 5 after a bad beating that I got from Karisa. My dad called the police and I had to go back.

"Katie come back home!" Jonathan said. I shook my head.

"No. No, this, this can't be them." I whispered.

"Katie. Come back!" They said together. I dropped to my knees.

"Stop! Make this stop!" I said. I covered my ears but I could still hear them, telling me to come home, sounding like they were whispering in my ears then yelling to the world.

"Katie-kat! What's wrong?" Travis asked.

"Katie! Come home!" They said again. Travis stopped and looked around.

"Who was that Katie? Who's calling you?" Travis asked. I shook my head.

"Katie! Get back home or I swear I'm going to go worse!" Jonathan screamed.

"It can't be them. It can't be them. It can't be them. It can't be them." I kept mumbling over and over.

"Katie! Come back here you little b***h!" Karisa screamed. I kept shaking my head and trying to drown them out.

"It's not them. They're in Maine! They're not here!" I said to myself.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed at the voices. That's when I heard it. The sound of a whip cracking. I stopped. I literally stopped. I think even my heart stopped.

"T-The w-whip. T-They h-have the w-whip!" I said. Another crack from a whip sounded. I zoned out. The only thing I could hear was the whip. I didn't notice Travis and Connor fighting a cyclops. I didn't notice a camper on the hill yelling at others. I didn't notice being picked up and carried away. All I noticed was the sound of a whip cracking replaying itself in my head before blacking out.

Travis's POV:

"Connor! Over there! There's a cyclops!" I said pointing at it. Deep in the trees, there is one glowing eye of a cyclops holding a whip.

"Katie! Come back here you little b***h!" A female voice screamed. I looked over at Katie, who looked very traumatized. She kept shaking her head and trying to tell herself something.

"It's not them. They're in Maine! They're not here!" She said to herself.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" She screamed at the voices. That's when I noticed the cyclops doing something. It cracked it's whip and it got Katie's cheeck. She's bleeding! That's when she stopped. Literally, she stopped moving, she wasn't even blinking! She then mumbled something to herself, something I couldn't hear, and the cyclops whipped her again, this time on the back. She's bleeding a lot now!

"Now Connor! While it's distracted!" I whisper screamed at him. He nodded and we charged at it. It didn't notice us until I chopped off it's whip arm. We fought it until I pierced its heart and it turned to gold dust. I saw campers starting to come down to check on us and I ran towards Katie.

"C'mon Katie! Let's get you to the infirmary I mumbled. She didn't say anything. I looked down at her and she was passed out.

"Will! We need your medical attention!" I said, running towards him, an unconscious Katie in my arms. He took her off my arms and he and his siblings started working on her.

"She's going to be fine Travis." A voice said next to me. I didn't jump, knowing it was Connor. I nodded.

"I know. Let's go, we'll check on her in the morning." I said. We headed to our cabin where, hopefully, we'll get a goodnight's rest.

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