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It is almost weekend since the school started. My school went smoothly and little bit boring also due to the busy schedules.

That girl" Lia " whom I met in the library, seems nice to me. She helped me very much throughout the whole week.

Y/n Pov :-

It was Sunday morning and I finished my daily routine and got ready because Lia and I were going to amusement park together which is not far away from my apartment. I was wearing my shoes and suddenly lia called me. I told her to wait until I get down.

We met and we both greeted each other. She was looking so good, her outfit seemed expensive..

We reached there!! The park was beautiful. I don't really come to this place because being alone in this place is so much boring. In the place like this You should have someone with you or else it is not fun!!

Lia " I guess we should buy something before riding"  I agreed with her and went to buy something. "  I will buy this cute pink cotton candy " yeah me too but  blue one , maybe it's blueberry flavour"

After buying cotton candies we went to choose the ride.

Lia " let's try rollercoaster it seems so fun" she said while pointing at it..  I was little bit nervous but there was no way to run from it. I just agreed and went there.
Soon the ride started
I was literally praying in the whole ride..
I can feel my heart bouncing like crazy.!! But it was fun..

After the ride we bought Ice creams and went to try other rides.

Rest of the day.. Lia told me about her likes and dislikes. She told me that she likes someone in her school who is a senior. But she didn't told me about him, like his name or in which class he study. It was okay maybe she will tell me someday.
After little bit of chatting. !
We watched the sunset together. Which was so nice . I had so much fun today.. Now we decided to go home.

Back home

I went to my floor. And it was 7:16pm. I unlocked the door and went inside. First thing I did was that I made my dinner. I started to eat it on the little round table.

While I was eating my dinner. I was scrolling through the Instagram. One thought hit me and I almost choked my food!! And  It was my HOMEWORK!!! i didn't completed my homework!, I had FEW TESTS tomorrow. I forgot about it!!! I quickly finished my dinner and went straight to the table and started to complete my homework!!

After hours!! I completed  my homework.

I went to refresh myself with a warm bath. I was almost sleeping in the bath tub.

I changed into some comfy pajamas. Before sleeping I checked my phone.... I didn't notice that I spent 30mins on the phone!! Time runs so fast.. it was 12:15am and I went to sleep.


I hope yall enjoyed the part.
It is not too long. Maybe I will write long paragraphs in next part.
Vote the story by clicking the star ⭐ it will encourage me to write more stories in the future..
Goodbye see y'all in next part.!

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now