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"Its not too late right now !! Plus you have fever! You cannot go to the school with a fever!! Forget about school and assignments!! Just rest here for sometime" He said !!

Thankyou so much but it's already too late. I will rest at my home now!! I replied.

After I replied to him he looked so disappointed and pissed off!!

O-ok no problem!! As you wish! He said.

I stood up and took all my belongings and started to leave. He stopped me and gave me his hoodie as
I was wearing a skirt and a t-shirt tucked in my skirt and it was cold outside plus I had fever..

"Here take it it's too cold outside " he said while looking at my outfit.

I took it and wore it. After we went downstairs!
I looked at his house and was so big and beautiful.

"Wait here lemme get the keys! " He said
"No need to get the keys you can just walk me home!" I said.

He just stared at me giving me a side eye.
"O-kay I'll wait" I said and gave him an awkward smile.

He went to get the keys. I had nothing to do so I looked at the photo frame which was on the wall.
There was Riki and a couple in the picture I guess it's him with his mom and dad !!

I was just looking at the picture but then suddenly I heard " How long are you going to see this picture?! Is it that good?! " He said out of nowhere and it surprised me !I didn't know when he came back. I was just too lost in that picture.

"Y-yes ! Actually it's nice to see it!" I replied him with a forced smile on my face!! I don't wanna look awkward!!

"So shall we go?" He asked me and I nodded.

He unlocked his car and told me to have a seat. I sat and closed the door. He told me to put seat belt on and I did! He started the car and drove to my home..
While on our way to home we had a little bit of conversation.

"I had put the medicines in your bag! Take them after dinner" he said.

"Okay" i replied.

"Are you going to take part in the competition in the school?" He said.

"Umm! No actually! Btw are you?! I replied.

" Yes! I am!! All my friends are taking part so I too joined. Why you didn't take part?! He asked.

" Actually I'm not interested in anything in the school except studying! I want to finish my studies and have a job and enjoy my life the way I want!"  I replied.

" You know?! You can get the job after anyways! But you can't get back your school life. After when you will get older you will regret it"  he said.

" I respect your opinion but the case is not same with me! If I'll do it I will regret it after!! I said.

"Why would you regret it?" He asked.

" I'm a scholarship you know?? I have got a golden opportunity to study in this school and complete my graduation in this school" I can't really afford to study in this school! So right now I want to care more about my studies rather than activities "  I replied.

"Oh is that so?!" He replied.

After we had no conversation until he stopped the car.

"We reached " he said.

He knew where I live!! But how?? I was confused so I asked him!

"How do you know I live here?!  I asked him.

"Its not the first time I walked you home!! Remember last time! When you and that girl Lia got into a fight and she pushed you after!! That day?! I walked you home !! " He replied

Riki's Pov:-

"How do you know I live here?! She asked me.

"Its not the first time I walked you home!! Remember last time! When you and that girl Lia got into a fight and she pushed you after!! That day?! I walked you home !! I replied

But when I realised that I f**ked up again like the last time I shut my mouth but it was already too late !! I made her remember her past again !.

She was surprised and I can see her mood changed.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't meant to make you remember  your--" I said and she cut me off.

"Its okay you don't have to say sorry!! It is what it is! I was just surprised because how can you remember such things about a stranger. " She said .

"Stranger?!! You know me ! I know you !  We are not strangers anymore!!" I said..

"Oh okayyy!!"  She said laughing!!

"Okay bye!! Thankyou ! I need to go now!! " She said while opening the door.

Alright! Bye ! Your family must be searching for you!! I said!!

She closed the door and came near to window and said " Don't worry! I live alone" while smiling.
When she said this I was shocked and now I know why she was looking at the photo frame on my wall so long!! I knew I made her sad now !! But I couldn't help it!!

She left and entered the gate!


I hope y'all enjoyed the part ! Don't forget to vote ⭐. Thankyou 💝

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now