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Strangers POV:-----

I was working on my project which my teacher gave me to do. Suddenly I heard someone knocking hardly on the main door. I went to see who was it..

I reached and I saw a girl who seemed junior was knocking the door. I guess the door is locked. She was calling security guard with her lungs out..

Suddenly she opened her phone, maybe she will call someone to help her.. after one minute she froze there and panicked alot. I think her battery was dead. Bad for her !!!

She sat down and started to cry like a small kid who was trapped in haunted house.. I felt bad for her and decided to help her. I went near to her.

Y/N pov :-

I heard foot steps !! WHO WAS IT ?! Many thoughts were coming on my mind.. I was terrified.. I lifted my head to see who was it !! It was blurry. All could see it some tall guy coming near to me. I blinked my eyes to make my view clear.

I saw a boy. He was wearing uniform. He is senior I remembered his face. He's the one whom I saw in the cafeteria when I first came in the school.. I stood up and looked straight to his face. Tears where still falling on my cheeks..

Tall boys pov:-

She lifted her head to look at me! She stood up and she was still crying . I asked her " What are you doing here ? It's almost 9:45 pm?!! " she didn't replied me and suddenly hugged me! She started to cry hard. I lifted my hand and patted her back to comfort her.

After 5 minutes of crying she broke the hug and I wiped her tears! Her face was burning from the crying.

I again asked her the question this time she replied me " I - I was school late today so my teacher told me to clean the classroom as a punishment." She told me while looking down.

Why are you crying so much?! I said "I thought I was only person here and after hearing your footsteps I thought I was about to get kidnapped or killed today.! I was scared" she replied. And I nodded!!

"Oh I guess we are locked here now, maybe we will get out of here tomorrow". I said making her more worry and scary..

After hearing what I just said she was about to cry again but I stopped her but saying that we will find a way to get out of here!! But in reality there was no way to get out of here.. main door is the way to exit from here..

She was waiting me to do something so I just opened my phone which was in my pocket..

She told me to call someone but I couldn't because my phone was dead too.

She took the phone from me and after finding out the butter truth she handed me phone back with a  disappointment..

She covered her face and sat on the floor crying again.

I couldn't do anything now even If I wanted to do.

I spoke " hey don't cry. You're not alone here. I'm here too .. nothing bad will happen okay?! Ummm let's go to the science lab and have a look at my project!"

She wiped her tears and stood up. I told her to follow me!!

We reached the science lab which was on the third floor!!! I turned on many lights so that she will not be scared or something!!!


I hope y'all enjoyed the part!!
I'm so tired and my arm hurt now!!! But anyways don't forget to vote ⭐ and comment 😉

Good night 💤/ day 🌅/ afternoon 🌄/ evening 🌆✨✨✨✨

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now