" Twenty Seven "

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Y/N's Pov:-

" Yeah ! Enough talking! You two go sit at the dining table I'll get the food" Mrs Nishimura said and we both went to the dining table.

"Hello ! " I bowed and greeted the man who was sitting on the chair near the dining table with a newspaper in his hands, assuming him to be Riki's dad.

"Dad she's my friend, y/n " Riki introduced me to his dad.

" Oh hi ! Nice to meet you " he said with a warm smile.

We both sat and soon riki's mom came with some stuffs in her hand as She put some plates on the table

" Uh! Let me help you " I said and got up .

" No thanks dear I'll do it " she replied.

" Please let me do it " I said and she agreed.

" Here are some plates , you pick these up and I'll pick other " she said and I picked up the plates on the counter!  I turned around, all my focus on the plate so that the food in it won't fall or shake. I took tiny tiny steps towards the dining table.

" Let me help you ! Give this one to me " Riki said and took one plate from my hand.
We both placed the food on the dining table and went back to check if something was still on the counter.

" Hey y/n catch! " Riki said and threw something towards me .

I catched it but when I realised what it was , I screamed and jumped with my eyes closed.
"Ha--hahaha" I heard Riki laughing loudly.  "It's not a real cockroache ! It's fake " he said while laughing.

"What ! You come here" I said angrily and slapping his arm.

"Don't be mad at me ! It's just a prank " he replied.

" I don't care ! I didn't like it " I said and left him in the kitchen, but he followed me.

I returned back to dining table and sat down. He also came at the same time and sat down beside me.

" What was that sound dear y/n ? Riki did anything wrong?" his mom asked.

"Uhh mom I just pranked her with a fake cockroach" he said .

" You did what! Riki don't be naughty " she said and bit him on his arm.

I laughed at his reaction as he was being so dramatic. Both him and his mother were laughing. I loved the view, his mother is so nice unlike mine. I sighed in sad .

"Okay let's start now " his father said and we started eating our food.

The food was really nice, more tasty than the food in restaurant. His mom has magic in her hands. She also seems so kind and loving towards her family.

"Y/n is it good ?" She said smiling.

"It's perfect" I replied and smiled back.

" I'm glad you liked it!" She said.

" Do you know Riki used to call vanilla as annia when he was a kid. So whenever he wanted an ice cream he would say  "annia  annia" And I was confused which flavour he actually wanted. " She said laughing.

"Haha 'annia ' that's funny." I replied.

"Mommm! You're embarrassing me" Riki said whining.

" Also he used to say pupu when he wanted a kiss" she said.

" Stop it mommm you're exposing me " Riki said.

" Okay okay " she said and  we both laughed.

After we were done. Both Riki and me helped with the dishes and other stuffs.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now