" Twenty-two "

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Someone's Pov:-

" Are you sure you're gonna do it ?" Someone said on the call.

"Yes ! Don't worry. I can do it " I said.

"Alright then! I trust you ! You'll get your money after the work is done " said someone.

" Hmmm. " I hummed.

"But how are you gonna find her?" Someone.

" I know where she works. I'm gonna head to the same shop and ask the shopkeeper about her" i said.

" That's not the right way! You will get in trouble if you'll ask the shopkeeper about her. He will get suspicious." Someone said.

"Alright then I'll chase her after she'll get off from work" I replied.

"Okay then bye " someone said hung the phone.

Chase her !!

Y/N's Pov:-.

I opened my eyes in the morning and It was a rainy day today. I can hear raining sounds and some thunderstorms too.

I stepped out from my bed and went straight to the shower. After I wore my uniform and ate my breakfast. I pickup my bag and an umbrella then locked the door as I went to school.

It was raining hard and winds were also blowing. It caused some shivers in my body.

As I was walking on the pathway, someone bumped into me. All my belongings fell down and so I. I was still processing what just happened but someone called my name. I turned my head towards the direction where the sound was coming from.

"Y/N ! Are you fine . Are you hurt?" Riki said and helped me stand up

It was Riki calling me from behind.

" Riki! I'm fine ! Thankyou" I replied to him .

" Can't you see before walking " he said to the stranger who just bumped into me.

"I'm sorry. My fault" the stranger said and ran off.

" Doesn't he seem weird? He has mask on and his clothes doesn't look casual" Riki said.

" Yes he do! But let it go. We're getting late to school. Let's go " I said and we made our direction towards the school.


Everyone left for home one by one and I also packed my stuffs as I was also about to left.
I looked at the window and it wasn't raining now. Some sun rays were also out and the weather seem so peaceful.

I was walking but then someone came running to me and said " Hi y/n ! Riki is looking for you come with me " I saw it was Jake.

" Where's he ? " I replied.

" I'm here " Riki said out of nowhere.

" O-hh! Why were you looking for me?" I asked him.

" Nothing special! I just want to walk you home" he replied.

" Oh really? But why?" I said in confusion.

" I don't know but I just want to " he said.

"Ahm ahmm!! " Jake coughed.

"What!! " Riki said to him.

"Nothing just seeing you two being lov-" Jake said while smirking but later cut off by Riki

" N-no It's not like this ! I'm just asking" Riki said.

" Asking what?! Out? Huh!! " Jake said while smirking.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now