" Twenty Eight "

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Y/N's Pov:-

I jumped on my bed as soon as I got in. After some minutes I took my phone as I was going to use it for sometime.

I gasped when I realised that it wasn't my phone. I turned it on and saw picture of Riki. Of course it was his phone. We accidentally exchanged it with each other.

I swiped up the phone and of course it was locked. I don't know the password. I sighed and put it back where it was.

I decided to bath instead. After I was done, I went to make dinner for myself and after making it I sat on the couch and started eating it.

I heard a sound coming from my bedroom. I went to check where it really was coming from. I got in and I saw that it was Riki's phone which was ringing... Someone was calling. I went to check who was it.

* Y/N <3 is calling*

It had my name written on it. Does that mean Riki is calling but how -?. Before other more questions would pop up in my head I decided to answer the call.

" Hello ? " I answered the phone call

"Hello Y/n ! Its me Riki ! Our phone got exchanged" he said.

" Yes I know but how you called me ? I mean my phone is locked. Isn't it? Then how " I asked him

" Yes it is ! I just pressed the emergency button accidentally but it had my number on it so I decided to call"  he explained.

" Oh yeah! You're right " I replied.

" You have put my number on your emergency contact list huh.?" He asked me and I can feel him smirking.

" Ye-s so what ? " I replied and I can hear his giggles.

" OKAYY! Can you share your password with me and I'll do the same " he asked.

" But what do you want to see in my phone ?" I asked.

" Nothing just wanna use it . Does it contain some kind of secrets? Like your not a human but an angel? " He said.

" Are you flirting with me?..... Anyways it's "dontgiveupwith no backspacing. " I replied him.

" Did you just gave me your password?" He asked surprised.

" Yes I did and now you have to do the same " I replied.

" Yeahh okay! Mine is my birthdate " 09122005"  he replied.

" Wait let me check it once" I said him and started to enter the code.

" Okay me too " he replied and did the same.

" It unlocked" we both said in unison.

" Okay bye Riki but don't mess up with anything! OKAY?" I said and he agreed.

After the call was ended I unlocked it again and the first thing that caught my eyes was the gallery. First I thought it would invade his privacy but then I thought of taking a look wouldn't be bad as he gave his password so I can use the phone , so it doesn't bother him.

There were many pictures of him maybe he is fan of taking pictures. Most of them were mirror selfies. It looks so cool in all of them. I scrolled down and saw him in the gym. Even most of the gym pictures were also mirror selfies, he's fond of mirror selfies I guess. I scrolled down even more and this time he was shirtless in some pictures. I hurriedly scrolled down. I felt my cheeks burning up.

I am seeing his gallery I wonder what hes doing. WHAT IF ! what if he's seeing my gallery too? OMG my gallery is so ugly !! What if he will see those pictures of me? Arghh ! What should I do ?!

&quot; IN HIS ARMS &quot; | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now