" Thirty Two "

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Y/N's Pov :-

He looked at me seriously " Yes I do but I don't like you... I Love You ! Is that clear? " He said and pulled me closer with his one hand wrapping around me and his other hand was cupping my cheek.

I looked at him with my widen eyes. He stared into my soul and it made my heart beat go crazy. He first looked at my left eye , then at my lips and then my right eye.

(Some of you guys might not know what this actually means ! So I'm gonna explain it . It's called The triangle method, or triangular gazing, it is a non-verbal flirting technique. In simple words , its a way of flirting or seducing someone whom they love ! It is also a way of attracting someone towards them ! I hope y'all got it. )

He slowly leaned closer to me and I closed my eyes. I felt his breath near my face. After some seconds I felt warm touch on my lips , we were kissing. He passionately moved in a motion and I followed along. My arms were wrapped around his neck and kiss lasted for some minutes.

After some minutes he let go the kiss. I looked at him and so he was. I felt my cheeks were burning as I got shy. I covered my face with my hands.

" Ohh you're shy ? " He said grinning and tried to remove my hands from my face.

" Don't do it " I said.

" Haha ! Cute ! " He said and hugged me.

" I love you " I finally said.

" I love you too" he replied.

" I'm bad at kissing I know " I said.

" Who said that ? You're a good kisser " he replied.

" Really ? " I asked.

" Yes !! You are ! " He replied.

" I'm glad my first kiss went good ! " I said.

" What ! It was you're first time kissing?" He said.

" Yes it was !" I replied.

" So that means I'm your first kiss and you're my first kiss " he said.

" What?! I'm glad that I'm your first kiss " I replied happily.

" Well I'm too " he replied.

We broke the hug and went inside. Now we were back in the room. He put me on the bed and then left the room.

" Wait here ! I will be back in few seconds" he said before leaving.

" Okay " I replied.

After some minutes he came back with bunch of stuffs in his hands.

" Where were you ? " I asked as soon he came inside.

" Shopping" he replied.

" Why tho ? And what did you buy ?" I asked.

" Find yourself " he said and handed me the bags.

" Huh?! What is this.... A dress ? " I said confusing.

" Yes ! A dress for you ! Is it good ?" He asked.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now