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Y/n's Pov :-

I came back to home , Riki walked me to home. It was such a horrible day. I am a MONSTER right?!! Lia think that I am a monster. But why ?! What did I do?.
Ugh I'm so tired. I better not think about it too much. Or else I will be depressed. I didn't know that this friendship will only last for 3 months.

I took a warm bath and I felt so refreshed because of the Smell of shower gel I use. It made me forget about everything that happened in school today.

After taking bath for like 40 minutes . I went to make my dinner. I ate rice with kimchi and an omelette.
Its all I can afford this time because I'm running out of money plus I have to pay rent too. I better add working hours in the store I'm working in.

After eating I checked my phone . For like 20 minutes.. and decided to sleep after.

Morning time

I woke up continued my routine and went to school.
I entered the class and the first person saw was Lia . She was doing her homework. I walked to my desk and opened my books.

Soon teacher entered the classroom and after we greeted her she started the class.
After the lecture ended. Teacher told everyone to pay attention towards her.

Attention class! There is something that I have to inform you guys.
There will be a competition between (our school )"Hana Seoul Highschool " and "Hankwang Highschool"

So basically this is basketball competition. Between both boys and girls of our school and their school.
So whoever is interested in this will come to my office during lunch break.

"Okay ma'am" the class responded and teacher left.

I could here all the girls talking about taking part in the competition. As I know there are limited participants in basketball and I don't even know how to play it plus if I want to try this I can't because everyone is willing to participate. So I better forget about this..

There was another girl next to Lia .. maybe they are friends. Because they were having so much fun together. I looked at them for a while and suddenly teacher entered the classroom and we all stood up and greeted the teacher.

During break

I went to canteen for lunch. I was sitting all alone. Well I always was so it shouldn't be new to me.
First my father left me then my mother married to another man finding her own happiness, left me alone like I didn't even exist to her. She must be happy right now with her new kids and husband. Well at least she didn't sacrifice her life on me instead she made a fresh brand new beginning.

I was just thinking about it suddenly some senior boys started a fight. They were beating each other. Everyone came there and I also went to see it.

He was no other than Riki and some other boy.
Riki was on top of other boy and holding his collar, punching his face. I could here him telling the boy to delete something in his phone.
The boy also tried to defend himself. He also hold riki's collar and Kicked him off.
Riki was on the floor now but he stood up and beat the other boy. He smashed him on the floor and tied his neck with his arms.

The teacher came and stopped Riki . And when everything was okay. The teacher scolded them and asked the reason behind beating him like this.

What is wrong with you two?? Why you started a deadly fight in school?!
The boy " I was minding my business but suddenly this bustard came up to me and started a fight!!"

Riki " What do you mean by "minding my own business"?? YOU WERE JUST TAKING PICTURES OF Y/N UNDER HER SKIRT!! THATS WHAT YOU CALL BUSINESS??

When Riki said that this boy was taking pictures of me under my skirt I was so surprised and confused at the same time. When he did that ?? I don't even know!!


Teacher took his phone and I saw the pictures. Of course I was sexualised by it. I felt attacked. There were like 4-6 pictures. Teacher deleted them. And told me not to worry about it.

"Good job Riki . You're so kind". Teacher told him

I looked at Riki and thanked him. Why he always protect me whenever I am in trouble. I just wondered .

After this all incident happened I was really sad whole day. I felt sorry for my existence. It was getting hard day by day!

After the break was over there were few students in the classroom . Maybe others are in staff room because of that competition.

"School was over"

I didn't go home, instead I went to do part-time job. When I reached there I greeted the owner. And told him about adding some working hours for extra money. And he agreed.

After working

I went straight to my home and continued my routine, after went to sleep..


I hope y'all enjoyed the part 〽️ Don't forget to vote ⭐.. Goodbye.TC 💕

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now