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Riki's Pov:- I was in cafeteria talking with my friends about the match we have today!! I saw y/n in cafeteria having lunch with her friend. While I was just looking at her she caught me. We made an eye contact for seconds and she broke the contact.

We went to changing room and changed into our jerseys.

After match.

We won the match and I saw that cafeteria girl her name is Lia I guess ! Coming into my direction. I also saw y/n with her. They are friends as they where eating lunch together. I can see Y/n smiling. Lia offered me drink, it took it and thanked her. The whole time I was looking at y/n. I don't know why but her smile caught my attention as it was my first time seeing her smile.

Time skip

I was in the playground and I saw y/n and Lia talking about something, they seemed like they we fighting or something. Y/n was explaining her something while holding her hand.
Lia seemed so pissed off! She pushed y/n and told her something before leaving.

I could feel y/n crying. She was holding her ankle. Of course she was hurt after that harsh push of Lia's..

I called her name and went to her
"Y/n~" She was crying but went she looked at me she started to wipe off her tears.

She couldn't walk as her ankle was hurt. So I lifted her in bridal style. She was shocked. I took her to medical room and put her on the bed.

I put off her shoe and examined her foot. Her ankle was twisted.

"Does it hurt here" i questioned.
"Y-yes"  she said in weak voice.

" hmm okay " i looked at her making an eye contact. While she was looking at me I twisted back her foot.
She screamed a little bit. I know it will hurt her a bit but this is the only way to heal it..

"Rest here okay" i simply said and left because I know she will not be answering my questions in this situation..

After the school was over. I packed my things and went outside the school. I saw y/n walking on the road alone. So I rushed to her.

"Y/N"  i Called her and she turned back.
" oh" she said in confusion.

"Are you fine now?"  I questioned.

"Yeah! Thankyou btw" she replied.

I didn't want to interfere in her friendship but at the same time I was wondering what really happened. How can a true friend push other one and leave like nothing happened.

We walked together, without any conversation And of course it was so awkward to walk without talking.
So to change this awkwardness I decided to started a little conversation.

Can I ask you something ? I begin to Start a talk.

Yeah! what's it?? She replied.

Thank God she said yes or else It would have been more awkward.

"What actually happened at school during break?"
I said but instantly regretted because of her reaction.
She stayed silent at first but then she spoke up.

"After the match at school Lia have been ignoring me without telling me the reason so I talked her about it but she didn't told me the Reason but called me a monster instead" she replied.

I didn't expect her to respond me but she did and all I gave as a reply was a "hmm"

I decided to stop the conversation here because I know I fu**ked up the conversation. And it made her more sad..

After some minutes

"I reached" she said out of nowhere.

And I looked at her direction.
It was a medium building. So she lives here I thought. Why I am so curious about her???

"Oh so you live here " I said.
"Yeah " she said in short.

"Okay byeee then" I said leaving..
"Bye" she said and walked into the building.

SHE DOESN'T SEEM TO BE ONE! I mumbled and walked to my house.


Hello guys!!
The reason behind the late post is that I was little busy with my tests.
I have alot of tests nowadays. But I will try to post as soon as possible.
Thankyou 💝 please vote ⭐ and recommend this story to your friends and cousins.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now