" Twenty Six"

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* Knock *

* Knock *

Arhhhhh! Who's this early in morning (groaning). I climbed out of the bed and went towards the door while rubbing my eyes. Once I reached there I opened the door.

I opened my half closed eyes and saw a familiar face.
It was Riki standing Infront of my apartment.

" Hi ! Are you still asleep " he said and I remembered I have plans with him today.

" No actually yeah! I'm sorry I forgot about it "  I apologized

" No problem! Btw can I come inside?" He said and immediately stepped back to let him in.

" I'm waiting for you ! Get ready real quick" he said and sat on the couch.

" Alright I'll make it quick " I said and went back to my bedroom. I grabbed a towel and some clothes to wear then I entered the bathroom.

After some minutes I returned back to my room and Riki followed me to my room as he was in the living room before.

" It takes you an hour to shower" he asked me.

" Why ?! This is normal isn't it " I replied.

" Well it takes me only 30 minutes"  he said teasingly.

" You are a boy and I am a girl that's the reason ! Only my hair takes 30 minutes to wash." I replied.

" Then it will take more 30 minutes to dry ! Let me dry your hair"  he said and grabbed dryer from my hand.

" Sit down I'm not going to eat you " he said and I sat down. Then he started to dry my hair.


" What are you doing" I said as I suddenly felt his breath near my neck sending shivers down to my spines.

" Grabbing a comb ! What else ? " He replied and started to comb my hair.

" Uh- Thanks I'll do it myself " I said .

" Let me do it ! I promise I won't tangle it " he said.

" But-- okay do it " I said in defeat.

He untangled my hair and now he's trying to style it. He started to make  braids from side hairs near my ears . I looked him through the mirror. I can see how concentrated he was. He had sharp glares on braids trying to focus.

" Do you like me " he said out of nowhere.

" What ? No " I replied.

" Then why are you staring at me for like last 5 mins? " He said and looked at me through the mirror.

" I was looking at my hairstyle not you " I replied and I can feel my cheeks turning pinkish red

" Oh really? OMG you are blushing " he said  giggling.

" I am not it's just hot in here ! " I replied and covered my face.

He then put ribbon shaped rubber near the end of braids.

" Its done ! You look cute " he said looking at me from head
to toe.

" Thankyou " I replied.

I then decided to put some light makeup on , so I sat again and started to do so. I can feel his glares at me. It made me feel something in my stomach. After I was done I looked at the mirror for one last time.
The hairstyle was really cute and I never thought him doing this. He was just perfect everything.

" You didn't have your breakfast right?" He said.

" Yes ! Let's go out I'll eat there" I replied.

" Okay Then " he said and we both went to start our day.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now