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Y/n's Pov:-

I opened my eyes and realised that it wasn't my room.Where am I ? I questioned myself in confusion.
I saw Riki before I fainted. I remembered!.
I decided to stand up and look where am I.
Oh I have an ice pack on my forehead!!.
I removed the ice pack and my blanket.. I was about to Stand up but someone entered the room. I looked for them and!! Oh it's Riki!

"So you woke up?! How are you feeling right Now? Are you okay?!" He said.

He asked me alot of questions at once. And I just replied by one word " YES" with a little smile on my face because I don't want to act rude!!
"Where am I?" I asked him.
"In my house " he replied with a smile on his face.

I looked at the time and it was afternoon .. I left my house in the morning and now it's afternoon, I have been here for a long time.

I stood up and tried to leave but Riki asked me where am I going !!

"Its time to go , I have been here for too long " I replied..

"Are you serious?! You are literally burning and you already look so weak. You must rest well. " He said.

" Thankyou so much !! But I need to go. I can take care of myself " I replied.

"Hey !! Listen!! You were already unconcious few hours ago. Don't worry you are not staying here for night !! I will walk you to home in the evening!! He said!

"Ohh okay!! Looks like you will not let me go!! " I replied.

" You are so stubborn!! He said out of nowhere!!

"Am I?? I think this word suits you better!! " I said.

He just laughed at my reaction. And told me to calm down while laughing.. I felt embarrassed so I just laid on the bed, and he put the ice pack on my forehead.

Y/n you just rest here !! I will get you some medicines! I will be back soon.! He said.

"Alright!.. But does your mom or any other family members know that I'm here?? " I said in a Single breath.

"No !! My mom and dad went for a business trip!! Its me alone here !! But if you want to make my loneliness go away !! You can live here with me !! He said smirking 😏!!

" Huh!! W-why s-should I?!! " I said in nervousness. And looked at the opposite side!!

" Haha!!! I was just kidding!! Okay bye Take care!! " He said while existing the room.

I first recalled all the things he said. Later I examined the room!! It was so aesthetic!! This room described his personality.. A Unique Personality!! I felt asleep so I closed my eyes. After closing my eyes I entered my dreamland!!

After 30 minutes

Riki's Pov:-

After I said her that she can stay with me here!! She blushed and I can feel her nervousness. I guess she cannot control it so I just left for medicines.

After almost 30 minutes I returned back.. And when I opened the door I saw her sleeping peacefully. I didn't dare to wake her up from her dreamworld. It is like a sin to wake someone who is sleeping peacefully.
I just started to play game with my headphones on so that y/n wouldn't be disturbed by the gaming sound. Rest of the time I was scrolling through the social media.

1 and half hour passed

I opened my eyes as soon as my dream broke. I looked outside the window and sun was almost gone and darkness was on its way!! I shook my head and I turned my head frontward! As soon as I looked forward Riki also turned his head towards me.

"Oh you woke up!? Are you fine now? " He said as soon he made an eye contact with me.

"Hmm" i replied while rubbing my eyes!.

"Wait for some minutes I will be back!! But don't fell asleep again !!" He said while existing the room.

I didn't get to reply him because he left the room so fast!!

After almost 15 minutes he came back with a tray in his hand.

"Oh what is it?!" I asked.
He put the tray down and lifted the bowl in his hands! And came to me.

"Here!! Drink it you didn't ate anything from morning!" He said.

He handed me the bowl and it was soup!! The smell was so nice !

I started drinking it after I thanked him!!

"Lemme check your fever!! " He said and began to check my forehead.

"Oh your still burning! " He said worried..

I can also feel my body heating up and also feel the shivers!! But the only thing in my mind was the morning incident. I couldn't get it out of head!! Her face was stuck in my head. And I couldn't help it.

I was just thinking about it and Riki snapped his fingers in front of my face.
"What happened! What are you thinking??" He said.

"Nothing just my Thoughts " I replied while handing back the bowl.

"Here are some medicines! Take it !!" He said
And I took the medicines.

"Oh no !! Its dark outside already!! I have to go now !! I have been here since morning!! Tomorrow is school too !! And I haven't done my assignment yet!!" I said to him and tried to stand up!!

"Its not too late right now !! Plus you have fever! You cannot go to the school with a fever!! Forget about school and assignments!! Just rest here for sometime" He said !!


It was so long today!!! I hope you'll enjoy the chapter!! Don't forget to vote ⭐
Thankyou 💝🎁

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now