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I woke up from the bright sunlight which hit me in my face making me cover myself with blanket.

After 5mins

My eyes opened and my hands were looking for the phone to see what time is it.

"I turned on my phone to look what time is it. My eyes widen when I saw 7:32am!! It means I was late today! I forgot to turn on alarm yesterday. School will be starting at 8:00am ! Shoot!! Ughh I need to change real quick. I guess I'm not eating breakfast today"

I took a quick shower and wore uniform and went straight to bus stop.

I reached the school and teacher was already in the class. Teacher scolded me and as a punishment she told me to clean the classroom at the end of the school.

I sat down and Lia looked at me. I just smiled at her and opened my books.

After classes

Almost everyone left school and Lia was also placing her stuffs in her bag.

After she was done she came to me and said " Y/n I'm so sorry, I wanted to help you but you know I have some important things to do at home. I'm really sorry"

I told her not to worry about it I can do it myself and she left after hearing me.

Actually I was hoping her to help me. My stupidity! Why would I hope someone to help me with my punishment.

First I started to complete my homework because I don't have that much homework to do plus I will be exhausted after cleaning the classroom so there is no way I'm doing the homework after cleaning.

After 15 minutes

Ughh I'm done.. let's clean the classroom quickly cuz I'm so hungry now.
I started with cleaning board..

After almost 40 minutes

Ehaaa!! I groaned " it's over finally" I packed my stuff and went straight to ground floor. I opened my phone while walking. It was almost dead. 2%. I closed it and walked through the hallway.

When I reached main door of the school I lifted my hand to open it. It didn't work so I tried to open it with both of my hands! It still didn't work and I found out that it was locked.

I started to panic!! I knocked the door several times. I also kicked it twice. I was so scared!! I was the only person in this whole freaking school.
I tried to call the watch man and security guard with my lungs out but how can they hear me from far away!!

After nothing worked I remembered that I have my phone with me which was almost dead! Whom should I call ?! Police?! Teacher?! Li - LIA?!! Calling Lia seemed better option but as she said that she has something important to do! I didn't called her!! She will be disturbed.

I decided to call teacher instead she can do something as she told me to stay here and clean the whole damn classroom.

I opened my contacts and I was about to call her but suddenly my phone went off and I just panicked even more. It didn't Work, it will never work!

After Losing all my hopes I sat on the floor and started to cry loudly.. Like a baby !! I was terrified. I don't know what to do!!

I was crying and I heard some foot steps which were coming closer to me!!



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" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now