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Riki's Pov:-



"You will be fine !" I said while holding her hands. She was still unconscious and her hands were pretty cold. Seeing her condition made me think about killing that kidnapper.

"Dear Riki ! Go and change your clothes I am here to take care of her " mom said and I snapped out of my thoughts.

I hummed in the response and took bag of clothes which mom had bought on her way to hospital. I was about to leave but go interrupted.

" Oh y/n. You're awake!!! " Mom said almost shouting. I turned back and went to her. Yes she was awake. I felt like colours came back to my life.

" Y/n !! Are you fine ? Look I'm here " I said and she looked at my face emotionless. I held her hand and caressed her head.

Soon doctor arrived to check her. " Alright! I'm glad to see her awake! It was important for her to be conscious " doctor said.

I looked back at y/n who was looking at me with her emotionless face. I understand her situation , processing everything of what happened quickly was overwhelming.

Currently my whole focus was on y/n and it was same from her. " Y/N ?! Are you okay.. DOCTORRR.... WHATS HAPPENING Y/NN? " I shouted when she closed back her eyes and wasn't responding.

The doctors came and checked on her again. " What's this happening mom?! Everything was fine but now..? " I said to my mom.

" What's wrong doctor? Is she okay ?" Mom asked to the doctor.

" Her condition is going back to where it was before! " Doctor replied.


" There are two conditions ! One, She might loose her memory or second , she might go into coma. Because of her extreme injury" Doctor explained.

" What..... NO WAY " I murmured.

" Riki ! Don't worry! You trust gods plan! don't you?" Mom said.


" Results of the reports are here ! " Nurse says.

I took the reports " what does it say ?" I asked " results are fine , don't worry " she replied and left.

After a while later , it was only me and y/n in room ! Mom and dad have left for work already. I didn't went school today as I have already asked for leave.

It was early afternoon . I was looking through the window, admiring the view of nature when suddenly door opened revealing some people. I turned myself completely and walked towards them.

" Hello? Is this Lee Y/N ? " Some man spoke.

"Yes ! She's right there ! May I know who am I speaking to ?" I asked.

" We are the professionals ! We are here to ask some questions to Miss Y/N ! " He replied and handed me his identity card.

" Mr Kang-su " I murmured.

" What questions ? " I asked.

" About the kidnapper! It's not like he had some personal conflicts with Miss Y/N or he just saw her alone and tried to do so , he was paid to do it " he explained.

" You're right! But who could it be ? She lives alone !" I replied.

" She doesn't have a family? " He asked.

" No ! The time when I asked her about her family she said she don't have one ! She said that her dad left them when she was younger and her mom also left her and married another man " I explained.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now