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Riki's Pov:-

This morning I woke up from some kind of noise. As I was home alone so it made me bit scared. Who would be here this time ?? Early in the morning?! I stepped out from my bed and walked towards the door. I opened my door and I saw someone already standing at my door.

~BOOM~  Someone said.

~ARRRRR~ i screamed.

~Hahaha!!!~ Did I scared you?!.

Oh! MOM ! Its you! Do you know how much I got scared! I said to her. And we hugged.

"Aww! I'm sorry Riki" she replied.

"Its okay! Btw you didn't told me that you were coming back today! I thought you will come back tomorrow " I said to her.

"Our plan changed and we decided to come back today instead of tomorrow " she replied.

"Hmmm!!Where is dad?" I asked.

"He downstairs. Let's go" she replied.

We went downstairs and I saw my dad!

"Hi Dad! I greeted him"

"OH Hello Riki! How have you been?" He asked me.

"GREAT! " I replied.

"Okay That's good to hear" he replied.

"Riki go and fresh up yourself! After we will have breakfast together " my mom said and I went to do so.

After breakfast I left for school."  It was cloudy day today Maybe it will rain afternoon but I hope it won't cause I didn't brought an umbrella with me ".  I said to myself while looking at the sky.

After all these thoughts in my head. I realised that I reached the school.
I entered the school gate and someone came running to me and put his arm on my shoulder.I turned back to see who was it. It was Jake.

" Hi Riki! What's up"  he said

"Oh Hi Jake! How are you"  I replied.

"I'm fine btw I called you this morning why didn't you pick-up?" He asked.

"You Did?! I didn't checked my phone since morning cause Mom And Dad came early morning and I was busy with them" I replied.

"Oh That's it" he said and we went to class.

We entered the class and all the boys were there except Sunoo. I put my bag on the desk and then Jay called all of us (the boys) .

"What's it Jay ?"  Heeseung spoke up.

"Y'all sit down first"  Jay replied.

"As you know that Sunoo is not here right now and his birthday is also coming up. Its right time to discuss a surprise party for him" Jay said.

"You're right Jay we should discuss about it asap" Jungwon replied.

"What should we do and where?" I asked.

"Riki! A surprise party what else? Jake replied.

"Yeah your right" I replied.

"I have a better pla- " jay was speaking but he stopped in the middle because Sunoo entered the class.

"O-Oh Hello sunno ! What's up?!" I said to him so that he won't get suspicious.

"Oh Hi guys what are you guys talking about? ”  Sunno asked.

"Nothing special just discussing about playing a match together" Heeseung replied.

"Oh Okay " sunno replied.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now