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Riki's Pov:-

All the boys where deciding about Sunoo's birthday surprise. As his birthday falls in this weak. We have  only four days left. We were talking about his likes and dislikes.

" Wait for me til I come back " I said to them and they all looked at me in confusion.

"Where are you going?" Heeseung hyung said.

"I'm going to call y/n,  she's our friend and we shouldn't decide sunno hyungs birthday surprise without her knowing " I explained.

" Yeah! Go call her and come fast! Sunno will be here anytime " Jay said.

"I'll come in just two minutes" I said and started running.

When I was heading to her class , I saw her already out. She wasn't alone there. Someone was beside her and they were talking. I saw her laughing with an unknown guy.
I went to her and stood Infront of her making her flinch.

" OMG! Riki you scared the shit out of me"  she said.

"Hi! I'm sorry I didn't mean to- " I said.

"Who's this guy y/n " the boy said.

" That's what I should be asking you! Who are you ? "  I said to the boy. And looked at y/n in search of answer.

" Riki he's "Mingyu" the new student of our class. And Mingyu he's Riki my best friend " she said introducing both of us to each other.

" Alright! I need to talk to you y/n, let's go " I replied to her and grabbed her hands .

" Wait - why? "  She said in confusion.

" Bye Mingyu see ya " she said to the boy.

After we reached to our destination. Y/N was still confused with the situation.

"I'm back guys " I said.

"Hi y/n how are you " Jake and other boys said.

"I'm fine ! What about you guys " she replied.

" We're doing great! Shall we start now Riki ?"  Jungwon said.

" Yes " I said .

" Start what ? Riki !! " She said.

"Oh I forgot to tell you?! Sorry , actually Sunoo's birthday is in four days and we are planning on a surprise party. As your one of my best friend and if you're my friend then your sunno's  friend  too so thats why you are a part of the surprise party " I explained to her.

" Riki is right! You are a part of our friend circle " Jake said

" Oh that's right " she said.

After we all started to share our opinions with each other. As we don't have much time to plane whole thing because Sunoo might be here anytime. So we decided to make a group on WeChat so that we can talk about it freely.

Sunghoon created the group and named it as " Discussion Group" . He added all seven of us except Sunoo.

" The name doesn't seem good " I said .

"Then name it yourself"  Sunghoon said in disappointment.

" Doesn't it seem like Sunghoon himself! " Old and Unfashionable" "  I said to tease him.

Every one laughed at Sunghoon's reaction. He was offended.

" Isn't it y/n " I said to Y/n while laughing.

" What are you asking me " she replied while holding her laughter.

"What are you guys laughing about?! " I heard someone saying. Oh it's Sunoo at the door.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now