"Thirty One "

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Y/N's Pov:-

I opened my eyes " Oh when did I fell asleep?" I thought.
I looked around and no one was in the room. I checked the time and it was 7:36 pm. I stayed still for some minutes until someone approached the door. It was Riki ! obviously!

" Oh you're awake " he said smiling.

" Hmm " I shorty said.

" Wait I'll get your dinner! You have to take medicines after it " he said and I agreed.

After some time I was done with my dinner and I also took the medicines. Riki had his dinner and now we were watching Netflix together. I can see how he was putting his efforts to make the situation cheerful.

Riki's pov :-

As we were watching some funny stuff together, I fell touch on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw y/n sleeping.

"You're so silly and of course cute too " I murmured.

I switched her position to sleeping one and put blanket all over her. I Caressed her hair for some time.

The door opened suddenly, revealing mom.

" Y/n ?! Oh is she asleep?" Mom asked.

" Yes mom! Do you need something?" I asked.

" Nothing I just want to make sure she's fine but when you're by her side , how can she not be fine ?" Mom stated while chuckling.

" Momm ! " I whined .

" Haha! Okay bye ! Goodnight honey " she said and closed the door behind.

I looked at y/n again and was about to leave but suddenly she held my hand and opened her eyes.

" Where are you going? Don't leave " she said in sleepy voice.

" You want me to stay here ? " I asked.

" Hmm! Don't leave please " she said.

" Okay okay ! I won't! " I said and layed beside her.

A little while later I felt y/n switching her positions every time.
" Y/n is something bothering you ? " I asked

" I can't sleep " she replied.

" Wait - " I said and leaned closer to her and wrapped my arms around her.
" Is it comfortable now ?" I asked and felt her noding.

She hugged me back after replying. At this point I can feel my heartbeats getting faster. I never felt like this before but whatever it is , it feels so good.


Y/N's Pov:-

I was walking down the stairs and suddenly I fell *gasped* " " Aahhh " I woke up from from a sudden flinch! " Oh it was a dream " I murmured.

" What happened? Are you okay ?" Riki said , worrying about me !

" Nothing it was a bad dream " I replied.

" Oh is that so * yawning* let's continue sleep ! It's pretty early " he said and went back to sleep.

His smell was all over the blanket and I sniffed more because it smelled nice. Suddenly he pulled me closer and I also fixed my position. My face was closer to his neck and I can feel his breath on my head. The nearer I was him the more smell got stronger. I lifted my head a little and sniffed near his neck , it made me do it even more. I love the smell of him.
I felt sleepy now and decided to sleep.


I was reading a book and then the door opened, revealing Riki and other 6 boys and one of them with flower bouquet.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now