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Riki's pov:-

"Riki! Wake up! You'll get late. It's already 7:38 am."  I heard my mom saying.

"Honey wake up! You have school today " my mom said and came near to bed.

" *Yawn* why I feel dizzy early morning" I said.

" What! Let me check"  my mom said and put her hand on my forehead.

" Oh ! You have fever ! Rest you're not going school today!! Let me get some medicines " my mom said worrying.

" No mom I can go to school! Just give me some medicines and I'll be fine " I said to her.

" No you're not going! How can I let you go while you're literally Burning " my mom said.

"Okay mom" I replied.

Y/ns pov:-

I went to school this morning. As it was Monday today so school was going to be exhausting.

After I sat down on my seat the teacher came after some minutes. When the teacher entered we all greeted him.

"Students today we got a new student" the teacher said and called the student.
When they entered It was a boy .

"This is our new student! Please introduce yourself" teacher said.

"Hi everyone! My name is Park Mingyu Nice to meet you ! I hope we could catch up in the future" the boy introduced himself.

"Alright! Now you may sit behind Y/N. Y/n guide him to his seat" the teacher said.

"Okay Sir " I said and stood up so he can see his seat.

We made an eye contact with each other for some seconds before he sat down. After then teacher started his lecture. It was a long lecture of course and it finally ended. It was 10 minutes break now. I was doing my stuff and someone suddenly called me from behind.

"Excuse me" someone said.
I turned backwards and it was the new boy . What was his name?! Park Mingyu!!.

"Hello ! Do you need something " I said.

" Thankyou for asking this but I just want to know your name ! As we are classmates now so!!" He said.

"Oh! I'm Lee Y/N "  i replied.

" That's such a beautiful name! You know my name already so I don't need to tell again." He said.

"Yes!  You don't need to " I said him with awkward smile. Was that a compliment?! It doesn't feel something else than flirting.

" If you need anything so let me know" I said to him and turned back.

Only Classes went on for rest of the time .

Lunch break

The last class of the first half was ended and it was lunch break now. I closed my stuffs and left the classroom. I was walking in hallways when someone called my name.

"Y/n " someone.

I turned back to see who was it . It was Mingyu.

" Y/n I was looking for you" he Said.

" Is that so ?! Why were you looking for me tho?!" I asked.

" As you said in the classroom that i can let you know if I need some help! So I want you to tour me this school " he replied.

"Why not!! But after  lunch " I said.

"Okay then. Can I join you " he said.

" Uh! Of course " I replied.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now