" Twenty-Three "

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Y/N :-

I woke up from bright sunlight hitting me on my face. It was a beautiful sunny day. The birds were singing and chirping beautifully. Everyone wants to get greeted by such a nice morning.

I woke at perfect time today , no hurrying. I continued to do my morning routine. After I wore my uniform and went to school.
I have also decided to go shopping after school.


I walked off from the class as it was lunch break now. After taking some steps Mingyu Called me from behind and came running.

"Y/n ! Are you free ? " He asked

"Yes ! Why? " I replied.

" Should we eat together in the playground ! It will be great" he said.

I blinked twice before replying " y-yes sure ! "

" Let's go then " he said exciting.

We went to the park and sat on the bench under the
tree. Whenever I am with him, it's only him talking about many stuffs and me only listening to it and giving some reactions.

It was same this time also. He was talking, mostly joking and I was listening to him while munching my lunch.

" Mingyu eat the lunch too " i said to him

" Umm!!! Honestly I totally forgot I have to do lunch too" he said laughing.

" Yes I can see that " I replied and eat another bite from my lunch

After some minutes of silence he started again and now I was not gonna tell him to stop instead I was gonna listen to him as I was also enjoying his company.

To be honest he's good at making joking. Everytime he would make a joke and I would laugh my lungs out. Sometimes I would even choke my food.
Our whole lunch break went like this.

Riki's POV:-

Me and all boys decided to play basketball today. So for the same reason we went to playground. While we are were decided about the match , something caught up my attention.

It was Y/N . She was eating lunch under the tree on the bench but she wasn't alone. The new guy was also with her. What was him name... MINGYU!

They were laughing aloud together.. She seem to have fun with him. I wonder what were they talking about.

That guy is staring at her. I don't know why but somehow he's making me jealous . I don't want him around her. His intentions doesn't feel right.

I was in my own thoughts and Jake snapped him fingers Infront of my face.

"Riki !! Are you here ? What are you thinking about? " Jake said.

" Uhm ! Nothing just- " I replied.

"Oh it's about Y/N ? Huh ?! Are you jealous 😏" he said while smirking

" I never said that ! Nevermind let's go " I replied.

" Alright " he replied and we left.

Departure time

Y/N's Pov:-

School was over and I left . As I already decided to go to the shopping after school so I did the same. I went to dress shop instead of going home.

I entered the mall and saw many pretty dresses. All the dresses looked so beautiful and elegant. I took some dresses of my taste and tried them on.

After some minutes of deciding, I finally choose one dress.

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now