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Y/N's pov:-

I entered the gate and looked at the car for last time today!! Riki was still here, so I bid him Goodbye 👋.
As soon as I opened the door I sighed because how long and hard day it was!! I put my bags down and went to make dinner for myself. After eating I changed into pajamas. I looked at the hoodie Riki gave me and put it in my closet, thinking of returning back it to him tomorrow.

I remember that I have to eat medicines too , so I opened the bag unpacked the things, put them in the fridge and ate medicines.

I felt that I am missing something! And when I figured about it. " IT WAS MY PHONE THAT WAS MISSING "  I didn't know where I kept it. I remembered that I didn't used my phone since I left caffeine this morning .. I guess I left it in Riki's House.

I couldn't do anything about it right now so I decided to go to bed and rest because I feel shivers. Once I got into the bed and tried to sleep I remembered what happened today. I tried to forget about it with other thoughts but It was running through my head!!

The tears started to fall down to the pillow and it continued until I cried myself to sleep!!

*Morning time*

I woke up from a bright sunlight hitting my face. I could bearly open my eyes. I checked myself and the fever was gone. I stepped out of my bed and went to shower.

After showering I wore my school uniform. When I looked at the mirror I can see my swollen eyes. Probably from crying!!

I ate my breakfast and went to school. I waited at the bus stop until bus came.

At the school

I entered the classroom and went to my seat. I can hear Lia talking about me with other girls. They talked loudly so I can hear them but I didn't tell them to stop because I don't want to start a fight plus I'm alone and they are like 5-6 girls. I decided to remain silent.

"Ya! Do you know how monster looks like?! " Here look at the left you can see one" Lia shouted.


" You know I have seen alot of monsters but this one is the poorest" HAHA !  Lia said.

"Actually this monster is a whore! Sleeping with everyone for money" lia said.


I didn't said anything to them. I better know myself who am I.

Riki's pov:-

When I returned back home I saw y/ns  phone. She left it here!! I decided to return it to her in school..

Morning time

I went to the school this morning. And I thought y/n would have also came, so I picked up the phone and went to her class to return it.

When I entered class !! Whole class was shouting.

(Ya! Do you know how monster looks like?! " Here look at the left you can see one" someone shouted.


" You know I have seen alot of monsters but this one is the poorest" HAHA !  Someone said.

"Actually this monster is a whore! Sleeping with everyone for money" someone said.


Whole class was shouting abusive word. I wondering whom they are saying this to.

Someone again said *WHORE WHORE Y/N IS A WHORE*
When I heard that they are saying this to y/n . My eyes searched for her. I saw her near the window at the left. Her head was down looking at her notice.

I knocked the door before I stepped in making everyone look at me. Y/ n also looked at me.

'What nonsense is this?" I said loudly and coldly .

"Who allowed you to use an abusive word in the school "  I said to them.

So it was Lia who started all this. I stared at her. She was smiling shamefully..She was being proud of what she was saying!! I ignored her !!!

I went to y/n and returned her phone.

"You left it at my house "  I said.

When she looked at me I saw her swollen eyes. I know that she might have cried.

" What happened y/n ?! Are you okay?!" I said and cupped her cheeks.

I can tell that she was about to cry. And she looked down.

I bended down to her height and lifted her head up!

Tears fell on her cheeks and I pulled her into a hug. I cannot see her crying.
She was trying hard not to cry Infront of the whole class.. But how much can she hold!! She bursted into tears and cried in my arms. I patted her back trying to comfort her.

Everyone in the classroom was looking at us but I didn't mind it because after what they said to her. I want to let them know that she is not alone I am with her.

I broke the hug , hold her hand and existed the classroom..

I took her to the rooftop. She was still crying.

"Y/n stop crying I don't know how to comfort someone" i said to her.

"Don't take their words too serious. I know you best and you know yourself better. You are way better than them "  I said to her trying to comfort her..

"Y/n " I again cupped her cheeks, cleaned up her tears and tucked her hair on the back of her ears.
She looked at me. And stopped crying.

"Look what you have done to your pretty eyes" I said and again hugged her.
She hugged me back. We hugged each other for like 6-7 minutes.. I am happy that I was able to comfort her.

"Is everything fine now" I said to her .

"Yes!" She replied.

"Shall we go ?"

"Yes! Let's go". She replied.

We went back to her class . "I will come back during lunch break ! Okay y/naa!!"  I said while leaving the class and she nodded.



I Hope you enjoyed the part.. it was long too.
Don't forget to vote ⭐. It inspires me to write more . 
Thankyou 💝

" IN HIS ARMS " | NISHIMURA RIKI | ✨Where stories live. Discover now